(7: just a few games, right?)

163 4 4

Jared's POV
1st person

After I had been getting dragged around by Will for a bit, he stopped suddenly, which pushed me a bit but oh well.

"Oh, that's the arcade I was talking about while we were walking."

"Finally..you fuckin suck with directions Wilbur"

I can tell Tommy's not having it, I get it took awhile, but damn, he needs to calm down. But yet again, it's Tommy, so what do you expect?

"Oh shut it Tommy, anyways, let's go in, it's not that busy so."

Will started to run across the street to the arcade, pulling me along with Tommy following behind. After we got in, we got tickets and Wilbur instantly had started running toward a game.

"Oooh, let's do a trivia game, I'll easily beat both you shits in this."

"Mm, I don't know about that Will, considering you didn't go to university, but whatever you say.."

I think I might've pissed him off a bit by saying that..but oh well.

"I did too. I just dropped out early. Whatever, let's just go play the game so I can win."

He excitedly trotted to the game, god. He's adorable, really. I'm starting to think I need to like—I dunno, make a move? It's not too early, is it? Whatever, I'll figure it out, but I'll have to soon. Anyways, Will, Tommy, and I were now all at the game. You had to hit a buzzer that had 4 options for the answer, and we were all able to play at once thankfully.

"These questions are fuckin easy, I think I'll win, not you Will."

"Yeah yeah, sure Tommy."

I love his 'serious' voice, more like sarcastic voice, but whatever. I like a lot of things about him honestly. Fuck. I should stop ranting to myself, it won't help.

"YES!! I beat BOTH your asses fair and square."

"Pff- yeah you did."

I had been looking toward the ground, I could tell I was blushing. Fucking hell. Whatever. It didn't matter, if he notices, he notices I guess.

"Ughh, are you guys SURE you're not making me third wheel? Like when y'all kiss or some shit? Gettin sick and tired of this fuckin relationship shit goin on."

TOMMY DID NOT JUST- GOD. I swear I'm going to fucking punch Tom.



I may, respectfully, strangle Tommy. I'm a fucking flustered mess. I'm covering my face, if that's not obvious.


That was one hell of a mood swing. I just think it's — y'know never mind. I've ranted enough about my feelings towards him to myself, so.

"Oh uh- sure? Tom do you want to-"

Before I could finish Wilbur grabbed my hand, quickly running towards the photobooth. Guess Tommy isn't going then. We were now at the booth and Wilbur had been picking the options for the photos

"Oops. Uh- I might've gotten the 16 pack for photos."


He can be such an idiot god damnit.. but I love that about him honestly. It just adds to his bubbly personality, y'know? As we were going into the booth, Will hit his head on the top of it.

- Lost for Words. -  A Jaredbur StoryWhere stories live. Discover now