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Yes, Another book, I don't know I had an idea for this so I went with it.

Boboiboy Timeline: After Trouble Battle book 1, 2, 3, Hidden trouble, Boboiboy's Elemental Problem.

(Trouble Battle and Hidden trouble were made by: Shinichi2504 while Boboiboy's Elemental Problem was made by: ElementalUser)

MHA Timeline: Before the Villain attack in rescue training (Season 1 episode 9)




Episode 1 - NEW TEACHERS


[So there are gonna be new teachers?] Vlad king asked curiously, [What subject will they be teaching?] Eraserhead asked sounding tired, [They will be Training teachers,] A tiny mouse named Nezu, Principal Nezu actually, [Training teachers?] Midnight repeated, [Is that a new subject?] Present Mic asked chuckling a little.

[My good friend told me information about them but to find out myself, there are 5 in the team-] Principal Nezu was interrupted, [Wait, team?] Eraserhead said confused, [Yes, he said that they need to go undercover to complete their mission of saving, retrieving and probably fighting without being considered vigilantes and have a place to stay for a while,] Principal Nezu said.

[But we can fight the villains off right? I mean we have fought lots of villains,] Midnight spoke crossing her arms, [That is what I told him, but he said that it would be better off leaving the team to do it, now, the team has 5 people, 2 girls, and 3 boys, I have no idea of their quirks yet but my friend told me they are very powerful quirks,]

[All of them are exceptional in academics although the 2 girls are more intelligent in some cases, again they will be training teachers, they had undergone hard training when my friend, 'Koko Ci' asked them to join his group as when they applied they were tested with a hard challenge as they passed with flying colors,] Principal Nezu said proudly.

[They will arrive shortly today, when they arrive they will show us their Hero license that I gave Koko ci to give to them to put their pictures, and apparently after applying they didn't get an official Hero license, because they were immediately attacked by a villain shortly after,]

[He also said not to underestimate them, and not to judge their capabilities because of their age,] Principal Nezu said a bit confused as well.

[Why should we judge? Their grown adults, after all,] Vlad King said crossing his arms, [Anywho, we should follow what Koko Ci said without any flaws,]


The Pro heroes were standing outside the school waiting for the new 'Teachers' as they waited, [What vehicle are they gonna be arriving in?] Midnight asked.

[Koko ci said to not be alarmed with their arrival vehicle,] Principal Nezu said with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly a portal appeared which alarmed the heroes until a ship went through.

[Is that them?] Vlad King asked, [What an amazing entrance,] Principal Nezu praised.

[A spaceship as their vehicle is cool!] Present Mic said.

The spaceship slowly descended and the pro heroes backed up a little as it landed safely, the door started to open as smoke appeared and 5 figures were seen.

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