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Loud muffles and crys were heard in a dark room. The unfamiliar cold place was sending chills through Taehyung's spine.

He don't know how he ended up here.... All he remember was, getting a call from his ex boyfriend who asked to meet him.

Taehyung agreed and they met a cafe near his house. That's it... This is all he remember. He don't know what happened after that and how he's here but it's already been a day since he's here, in a abandoned dark cold room.

He's tied to a chair and a cloth is stuffed inside his mouth. He's head and mouth hurts because of crying and he's even hungry.

Lots of questions were running in his mind but all he knew was, that his ex boyfriend is the reason of his current situation.

But where's he? And why did his ex boyfriend fucking kidnapped him?

He continued crying but soon heard footsteps towards his room.

Soon the door got open and few rays of light entered the room. Taehyung adjusted his vision and looked infront of him. The male smirked and bend towards Taehyung and caressed his cheek.

Taehyung looked at him angrily and the male slowly took his hand towards Taehyung's neck and caress it. Taehyung whined and tried to remove the cloth from his mouth. The male chuckled...

??: You want this to be removed?

Tae angrily glared at him

??: Fine fine I'm removing it.... I miss your deep voice ( chuckled )

He slowly opened the knot and pulled the cloth out of Taehyung's mouth and  Taehyung took deep breathe.

Tae: you! How dare you tricked me!

?? ( Chuckled ): it's not my fault that you're so naive and trust me blindly.

Tae: why the fuck have you kept me Here? Open my hands and let me go!

??: Nope! Not happening! Not until I'll get what I want!

The male said and kissed on his lips forcefully. Taehyung screamed and tried to removed the male above him but the chain around his hands and legs were stopping him.

The male gripped his face tightly and kept kissing him. Minutes past but the hunger didn't died and the male kept abusing his soft lips.

Taehyung was out of breathe and his lips were bleeding but his ex boyfriend was unbothered.

Soon Taehyung felt a sharp pain on his neck and he left his consciousness.

??: Sleep well baby! ( Smirk )


Taehyung opened his eyes and found himself in a different room this time. He wasn't in a chair anymore. He was laying on a bed.... Lights were off but everything was visible pretty clearly.

Taehyung tried to get up but flinched when he heard a deep voice from his back.

??: Finally you're up

Tae: I swear I'll kill you Luis

Luis: sure baby, but first let's play a little!

Tae: w- what do you mean?

Luis came infront of him and started unbuttoning his cloths

Luis came infront of him and started unbuttoning his cloths

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