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Chapter 141: Handling The Corpse

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hong Zhuang did not believe that Lin Huang was dead when she first heard the news from Lu Xuan. She thought that Lin Huang would escape the training camp instead of dying. She soon realized that Lu Xuan was not joking.

“Are you sure that Lin Huang is dead?” Hong Zhuang frowned.

“I confirmed this with Scarface.” Lu Xuan explained.

“I’m coming over now.” Hong Zhuang hung up the phone.

Soon, a black metal door appeared in Lu Xuan’s room. It was opened and a lady in black coat walked in, there was a red Purple Crow logo on the left side of her collar. Hong Zhuang kept the door and said to Lu Xuan, “Bring me there.”

Lu Xuan nodded and summoned a red wooden door. The duo stepped in and entered Scarface’s office. The first thing they saw was the coffin that made of gold velvet wood.

Hong Zhuang she did not even look at Scarface and asked directly, “How did he die?” Scarface told her the story and showed her the video clip in the training room. Hong Zhuang frowned and kept quiet after she saw the video clip. She then looked at Lu Xuan, “Bring out the dead body.”

“Put it there.” Hong Zhuang pointed at Scarface’s desk. Scarface did not dare to disagree and nodded, “Yes, put it here. The table is big.” Lu Xuan placed Lin Huang’s body on the table. Hong Zhuang then walked over and said, “Flip him over so that his back is facing upwards.” Lu Xuan then flipped Lin Huang’s body. Hong Zhuang took a good look.

“There’s a bite wound by a Ruinshade Wolf. His neck is broken, probably from the wolf’s attack. What caused his death, however, was the Giant Horned Rhino’s stomps, his organs are all destroyed. From the corpse, it seems to match what the video showed us…” She mumbled to herself as she analyzed his body.

Hong Zhuang was still frowning after she checked Lin Huang’s dead body. Although everything matched the video clip, her instincts told her that whatever event had transpired was not as simple as this.

“Have you done a DNA test?” Hong Zhuang asked Scarface.

“A DNA test? No.” Scarface shook his head, “I was the one who brought him here and there’s video proof as well so there shouldn’t be any mistakes?”

“Get someone to run a DNA test now.” Lu Xuan was clearly annoyed when she patted Scarface’s shoulder.

He called a staff immediately to run a blood test. Minutes later, a lady in doctor attire came in.”

“Run a DNA test for the corpse and compare it with Lin Huang’s DNA.” Hong Zhuang said to the doctor without even looking at Scarface.

“Do it right now!” Scarface shouted.

The doctor then took a sample from Lin Huang’s dead body. Five to six minutes later, the result showed that the dead body’s DNA matched Lin Huang’s DNA. “It’s the same person.”

Scarface and Lu Xuan then looked at Hong Zhuang in disbelief, “How could this happen…”

“You can leave now.” Scarface lowered his voice as he spoke.

“Master Hong Zhuang, Lin Huang had great potential but since he was fated to die, there was nothing that he could do to escape.” Lu Xuan spoke.

“He had the opportunity to summon his monster. He wouldn’t die if he summoned the vampire. Why didn’t he?” Hong Zhuang shook her head. She still thought that there was a missing piece somewhere in this puzzle.

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