Chapter 1.5: Newborn Paranoia: Fukase.

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As the Satoshi's were on their way to the Hospital, Henry was trying his best not to loose his mind because this was it.

Was he stupid?

One pair of red and gold eyes stared at the ceiling of the room. A nervous Yuna looking at Henry. He held her hand and grinned. Yuna broke a sweat. And before they knew it, Fukase being only an hour old just slept in his mother's arms. Henry looked at the baby boy.

Yuna was resting with Fukase while Henry felt his hand. Tears formed in his eyes. Yuna's eyes opened and she looked at her son, then at her husband. She was too tired to speak, so she just smiled weakly.

Nothing is worth it.

Many thoughts raced Henry's head.

You're an idiot, Satoshi.

As of January 28th, 1995, Fukase was born.

Yuna was on the couch, asleep with a 4 month-old Fukase asleep with her. She was happy with her achievement.

However, as the years passed, a 4 year-old Fukase started to learn how to read and write, as he is homeschooled. The boy was very curious of his world. He always wanted something to do or say, and most importantly, he loved spending time with his parents.

Henry walked Fukase's room to find him playing by himself. The curly haired man smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, kiddo. What're you playing?" he asked. "Look!" said Fukase, pointing to his toys. Henry kneeled down and played around with him.

Such a happy boy.
You don't want anything happening to him, do you?
He's only so little.
He grows up so fast.
It's heartbreaking.

Suddenly, Fukase had a odd feeling wash him over. Something was off. He got up. waddled downstairs. Henry got up and followed him, as the rain poured outside.
The male Kagamine was throwing a chess peice up and down in his hand. He broke a sweat. "Shit," he said. "I don't like where this is going." He broke another sweat. Psyche could die, leaving Ero's broken. Aka: Yuna and Henry.

Len closed his eyes and thought about what he was doing

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Len closed his eyes and thought about what he was doing. Knowing this very chess peice, Bringer of Dusk Oblitus, could change the whole story. He liked Fukase, but he liked drama. But then he thought, what would his master think? Just then, he had a vision. Something scary, yet beautiful at the same time. He opened his eyes and saw a long red-haired female standing in front of him. Her red eyes stared into his soul, but Len shook his head and she was gone.
"Yuna...." he whispered.

Fukase was looking out the living room window, watching the rain fall. He grew tired, and looked over in the kitchen to see Henry preparing dinner. The boy was young, but he was smart.

 The boy was young, but he was smart

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Something was clearly wrong. But he couldn't put his finger on it. The atmosphere became thicker. Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was the dark sky. Maybe it was something else.

As each minute passed, he felt worse. However, Yuna came downstairs and picked her son up. "Fufu," she asked playfully, "What's wrong?" "I don't know." he answered. Yuna stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. "Does Mama need to help you with something?" "No, thank you!"

 "Does Mama need to help you with something?" "No, thank you!"

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Yuna blushed and nuzzled her son with happiness. "Outstanding manners, Fufu!" she smiled. Fukase giggled as his mother let him back on the floor. Suddenly, Henry called from the kitchen, "Supper!" Then, Yuna and Fukase skittered into the kitchen.

Fukase looked at the mashed potatoes on his plate. The bad feeling came back. He felt awkward as he watched his parents eat. He picked up his fork and picked at his food. Every bite he took, he felt worse. The feeling made him want to cry, but he couldn't get it out. However, after dinner, Fukase decided to get ready for bed. Even then, the feeling came back.

Was HE stupid?

Henry and Yuna tucked Fukase in, then he was alone. Minutes pass, and he started to feel a little better. Soon, he shut his eyes and fell asleep.

The bad feeling wasn't just some random paranoia. He was being watched. Len Kagamine stood over the red haired boy, with a wide grin on his face. The evil banana had so many plans, he couldn't even organize them. His arm grew into a long, dark, silhouette that stroked Fukase's hair with it's claws. "Fukase...." he whispered, still holding the chess peice in his other hand. He couldn't torture him. He didn't want to. But ah, the feeling of bloodthirst filled him top to bottom. Thus, the unfortunate fact he couldn't control this, really opened up the gates to hell. But first, he needed to let Fukase grow a little more. He was only 4 years old.

A small child like Fukase shouldn't feel so paranoid at the time being. So, he would mostly need to brush it off and (or) ignored it. Now, as the red haired boy woke up, he saw the beautiful orange morning sunrise cast upon the wet grass from the rain last night. He smiled and got out of bed.

Fukase went downstairs and turned on the TV-(Yes, the 4 year-old knew how to work the TV.) and watched cartoons while he waited for Henry or Yuna to come down and make breakfast for him, like every other day of Fukase's life.

He looked at Fukase. The banana hid behind the sofa and looked at him. He smiled and looked over, seeing the worried female Kagamine sititng next to him. "What are you planning to do with him?" she asked, talking to him through her mind. Len said from his head, "You'll see." Rin broke a sweat. She shook her head and sighed. Both Kagamine twins disappeared, leaving Fukase alone.

Fukase turned around and saw nothing was there. He was wrong. He knew it. Something was there. Something was watching Fukase.

Something isn't right.

To be continued.

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