Chapter 10

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I'm sat in the makeup chair, gazing at my reflection in the mirror. My ginger hair has been back-combed and hair sprayed to give the illusion that it's defying gravity. My makeup is fairly natural; I've always been told that bright colours on my face tend to draw eyes away from my freckles, which was said to try and convince me to wear more vibrant eye-shadow, however it had the complete opposite affect. 

I am helped into a scarlet dress with lots of volume, before entering the photoshoot area. Photoshoots always terrify me, especially with people so high up in the fashion world. Being the centre of attention in an intimate and quiet atmosphere where people could be silently judging you, all whilst you feel stupid in an over-the-top ballgown. That's what I hate about magazines and why I'm so nervous about doing this one: people judge my worth solely on how I look. It's in these environments where my career won't help me. I no longer have my safety net. 

With a few helpful instructions from the photographer, he's able to capture a number of shots that should be good enough. A number of times, I glance over to Ali, who's sat in the corner of the room. Usually in these sorts of situations she jokingly rolls her eyes or simply smiles at me encouragingly, but each time I look at her she seems to be in another world; tired eyes fixated on a point with a downcast expression. 

After the photographer wraps up, I make a beeline for her and she doesn't even notice that I'm heading her way. "Everything okay?" 

She snaps out of the trance that she's in. "Mm-hm." How convincing. I go to ask further, but I'm ushered away from her and into another room for an interview.

I sit awkwardly on a stool in front of a banner with my album advertised across it. A lady comes over and touches up my makeup, whilst another attempts to make it look like I'm not drowning in layers of scarlet satin. The camera starts and the interview begins. They ask basic questions: "Did you always want to be a singer?", "Who inspires you?", "Do you write all your songs?" Questions I've answered millions of times. But one questions makes me pause: 

"What's it like to be a role model?" 

The question causes a feeling of warmth to fill my body. I think carefully about my answer. "Well, I have to say, I've never thought of myself as a role model to anyone and, to be honest that's the first time I've been referred to as one." A genuine smile displays itself across my lips. "It's strange to be thought of as a role model and a lot of pressure, but I'm honoured to think that I am one to someone." 

I continue to smile until the camera cuts. I hurry out of the room in search of Ali, but a notification on my phone from her tells me that she's already left. I sigh as I look down at the message and it's obvious to me that she can't hide the fact that she misses Adam and that she's scared of that. 

The following day, I'm sent the song that I'm going to sing for the new Fifty Shades movie. It's called 'High' and it has a nice rhythm to it; one that will hopefully suit my vocals well. After practising for a few hours in the morning, I go across to the other side of our condo where Ali's room is. I knock a few times on the shut door. After 10 seconds, Ali opens the door with red eyes and a smile plastered on her face that I can see straight through. 

"Ali?" Her smile immediately wobbles into a frown and tears well up in her eyes. I waste no time pulling her into a hug. She sobs into my shoulder as I rub her back. 

"I know you say no man is worth crying over, but I can't help it." Ali says through sobs. 

"I know, but you're crying over him for the right reasons, not the wrong ones." I smile as I pull away from the hug, using my thumb to brush away the tears on her cheeks. "It's okay to miss him." 

"I know but I barely know him. We said we'd meet again when we're next in the same country but who knows when that will be. Our whole lives revolve around travelling with our best friends." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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