dominant chaddy 🙀🙀🙀😈 by pussybossworld

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a/n - how do u work wattpad wtf also this is a joke im sorry mommy chad chad. 

"uwu bark woof !! mommy chad chad just uploaded on youtube!!! finally!" y/n shouted, eyes popping out of their sockets and turning into heart eyes. the video was about this stupid bitch who had a podcast. chad chad was talking about her being a pick me, so of course you naturally started drooling and whining at yelling "fuck the pick mes!!!" right up to your ipad. you got about half way into the video until... "stop!!" a woman yelled, teleporting into your bedroom. "stop RIGHT THERE!!!" she yelled. you looked over at her in fear, worried it would be your mommy getting mad at you for being on your ipad for too long but after you paused the video and gave the woman a good look you realized it was mommy chad chad!! your jaw opened so far it looked broken, tongue rolling onto the floor like a mini set of stairs, and eyes popping out of the sockets into the shape of a heart.

"wtf why do you look like that." chad chad said dominantly. your face went normal and so did hers. "anyways idrc. i'm from the future and i'm warning you: DO NOT FINISH MY VIDEO!!" "why, chaddy? owo?" "a day after posting it, people started dying of cringe from the podcast girl! i got put in jail but i was able to use my time travel super hot demon alpha lord powers to come back and save one last person. and that person is you, pookie." you instantly blushed so bad!! you swear that your whole body got an erection but then you realized you have no genitals #notsopussyboss.

"why me??" "bcz ur such a baddie...ik you're a chad chad superfan too...." she blushed, continuing "so i felt like u were special and worth saving...bcz im such a nice dommy mommy alpha female chad (chad).." u blushed super mega ultra hard and started foaming at the mouth. "are u in love with me, chaddy?" u asked. she went silent for a second..."yes... heart eyes emoji heart eyes emoji heart eyes emoji...ur js so hot babygirl." she leaned in for a kiss when suddenly- you feel a sharp pain. chad chad is a vampire and she is biting your neck and draining the blood from you.

"owie mama. that hurts! kitten no likey!!" you screech in pain. she gets off your neck and licks her dominant sexy baddie lips. cbat starts playing quietly in the background. "im a masochist but i do not like this!" you cry. chad chad pins u against the wall and whispers in your ear; "kys (keep yourself safe)." you cry and fall into her arms. then AGAIN you feel a sharp pain! chad chad is now beating you up with a bat. "shit!" she says. she hurt her fingey wingey!!!!! she continues beating you until all your bones are broken and you are a pile of reader mush. she bends down on one knee, dropping the bat and whispers into your ear "i'm sorry kitten. chaddy has a demon and an angel on her shoulders that tell her what to do. that was the demon..... i love u forever my pinky kinky winky tinky ginky flinky binky little subby bubby lubby tubby baby boo bitch." 

thanks for reading xoxoxo i love chad chad she is my wife fr. again i am sooo sorry. what fanfic should i write next uwu owo 🙀

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