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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

I watched as the games continued. But it seems like Seirin was struggling with Ryouta's Perfect Copy. 

The blonde kid just kept pulling card after card to use against Seirin.

-What are you gonna do, Seirin?- I smirked. Testuya then had the ball and went to shoot the ball using Phantom Shot but it was blocked by Ryouta.

"Hmmm." Kaijo just kept scoring and now the score was 15-2.

"Oh my. It seems like they're done. But you know, Ki-chin can only use his Perfect Copy for a limited time. In the end, isn't it just a matter of using it earlier or later?" Atsushi asked.

"Atsushi, it's called flow of the game. Kaijo right now is in control as they have the flow." I smiled.

"Surprise attacks and their effects last throughout the game. That's probably what Kaijo is aiming for." I said.

Us three continue to watch the game but it seems like Seirin is not yet into the game, they keep missing their shots. -What are you going to do now, Riko-chan?-

"Aren't they rushing?" Atsushi asked.

"I thought so too and I think (F/N) is thinking the same. They're unstable. Seirin was planning to pull ahead and hold the lead but Kaijo smashed that plan with a surprise attack and now they have a disadvantage." Tatsu explained.

"They want to close the gap, that's natural. But when you're desperate, you make mistakes."

I looked at the time on the scoreboard. "Their pace is also too fast. If they continue like this, they will fail." I said.

I watched as Riko-chan asked for a member change and they placed in Furihata-kun, who seemed scared shitless. We all watched as he kept making mistakes but it left a smile on my face.

-Changing the atmosphere, huh, Riko-chan? Smart move.- I smiled. "Serin's atmosphere changed. Their pace is now slowing down."

Seirin started to get their heads in the game as they kept scoring and closing the point gap but that doesn't mean Kaijo was backing down.

The first quarter has now ended in Kaijo's favor, 23-15. The 2nd quarter was just a back and forth game with after one team scores or steals, the other team scores or steals.

But what was interesting was that Taiga and Ryouta were going head to head, the battle of the aces again.

What caught my eyes was the blonde's ankle. -He didn't take care of it didn't he?-

Kaijo then subbed out Ryouta and it seems like Seirin wanted to take advantage that he was not on the court to score more baskets but again, Kaijo wasn't gonna let them close the gap so quickly.

Before Tetsuya was subbed out, it seems like Kasamatsu-senpai found out how the Phantom Shot works and was able to block the shot, disrupting Seirin's flow of the game.

My eyes landed on the red head that I somehow fell in love with. The team's fate is now in his hands.

Taiga was on a roll, especially after what had happened this morning.

The dude kept scoring and blocking the balls coming his way until the 2nd quarter was done and now it was half time. 

I looked at the scoreboards and smirked. The score was now even, 44-44.

I got up from my seat and stretched. "Imma go get something to drink from the vending machine. Want anything?" I asked.

"I'll have some energy drink." Tatsu said. "I want a soda." Atsushi told me. "Alright. I'll get it." I nodded.

I got up and went to the vending machine and bought our 3 drinks before returning back to my seat.

The match then started again and it seems like Ryouta was still not placed in the game yet which is good as his ankle can get more damage than before.

-I'll stop by later and retape his ankle for him.- Seirin was now in the lead with Kaijo holding on by a thread. "The current Seirin is really strong compared to Kaijo without Kise." Tatsu said.

I looked at Tatsu. "They can't leave anyone unguarded." I said. "And with that, 2 people can't even stop Taiga." My gaze went back to the court.

"What are you gonna do now, Kaijo High School?" I asked.

Kaijo was slowly but surely coming after Seirin, closing the point gap. I was not sitting at the edge of my seat.

The score was now 59-57, Seirin. It went back to a back and forth game until Huyga-senpai and Kiyoshi-senpai started to fight when the team really pulled through to the end of the 3rd quarter with a score of 65-57.

Just then, I heard some people start whispering and looking at a certain group of males.

-Rakuzan High School.- My eyes then landed on the shortest male with maroon hair.

I also heard a pair of familiar voices coming from behind me so I turned around and saw Daiki and Satsuki rushing to watch the 4th quarter of the final match.

It was also the match to see which team would be up against Rakuzan.

My eyes landed back to the game to see Tetsuya and Ryota walking back onto the court.

-So they are finally going back onto the court, huh? And near the end? Oh how much you guys make me sit on the edge of the chair.- I smirked. We all know that we were all in for a ride.

There was only 4 minutes and 5 seconds left. The score was 77 to 62 in Seirin's favour and now 2 of my former students are back on the court.

With Rakuzan High School, Daiki and Satsuki, and me, Atsushi, and Tatsu watching. The game couldn't get any more exciting to watch.

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