late night snacks

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A/N nickloon story yeeeyyy don't count on me continuing it but I'll try my best to stay on schedule! (which is a chapter every other Friday) ALSO in this story balloon. has a string/tail why? because I said so, Also also fan, didn't get eliminated because that elimination made me sangry

lessss gettt ssstarted

[Nickel's pov]

Ughh, it's always so cold at night here, Mephone brought us here, because he wanted us to compete? even though he already was hosting season 2, Well, I might as well find something to warm myself up,

even the sand here is cold, Maybe the Pic-nix table has something to warm me up, Umm, Oh! "Meatloaf!" and the Pic-nix table did all the hard work for me! I'm pretty glad test tube hacked that thing for me,

I take the plate, Set it on the sand and start eating, Sitting here at night actually isn't that bad! if you have the right things.. I'm still pretty cold but it's bearable. I wonder how many people are sleeping, I know 

Fan, is probably on his phone right now,

[Balloon's pov]

I just woke up to someone shouting "meatloaf".. Whose shouting "meatloaf" at... 2 in the morning?! well, almost 3, Wait, 3?! I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow, might as well see who it is, I get up rubbing my eyes,

looking around to see who it could be, I looked everywhere and couldn't find anyone (awake)! well, aside from fan on his phone sitting next to test tube, Big surprise there, finely I go over to the Sandy part of the island,

There nickel, was, eating some meatloaf, that explains why someone shouted "meatloaf" honestly I don't know what I was expecting to find, but it wasn't nickel.. eating meatloaf, wait how is he eating meatloaf? wasn't he banned from the Pic-nix table?

"hey uh, nickel-?" I realized how raspy my voice was and quickly cleared it, nickel at this point has already turned to see me. "uh, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get that? weren't you banned from the Pic-nix table?" I asked, genuinely confused.. and tired,

"I just asked test tube, and here I am" he answered. shifting his position, the moonlight shining off of his flat surface as he moved, "oh cool! mind if I sit with you?" "Oh absolutely!" his sarcasm never failed to make me chuckle. I walk over and sit next to em,

"so uh, how's your night been?" "Oh you know, it's been sitting with you watching the water and eating meatloaf" and with that we went off on a conversation,

 ⟿time-skip to a few hours later⬳

[Nickel's pov]

"so yeah, and then! they all went running!" balloon cracked a small smile before passing out leaning on me, he was a whole lot warmer than I was, I wanted to wake em up but.. we both should get some sleep. it's 6:28,

reality faded away, and sleep engulfed me,


[fan's pov]

"I could possibly use this in the future hehe" I whispered to my self taking a picture of the two sleeping objects,

A/N WHOOOOOOOOOO first chapter complete! pls tell me if it's to fluffy 0-0 give me honest criticism! I need to improve my writing! anywho I hope you enjoyed! until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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