Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV

After that "incident" on set laura was always awkward around me hod we were just getting to know each other a little more but I had to admit that the things she can do with her fingers God fuck me well technically she already did but doesn't matter today was a pretty chilled day no work and I didn't have anything planned so I decided to drive around the neighborhood as I drove by Laura's house I decided to go in I parked my car on the side of the road and walked in

Laura's POV
I decided to take a hot bath to relax a bit I put on some slow music and slipped in the bath I let out a a relived sigh when the hot soapy water touched my skin when I was playing with the bubbles the door bell rang 'ughhhh' I let out I put my robe on and headed to the door
"Who is it" I yelled while walking towards the door

Taylor's POV

I heard Laura coming so I quickly fixed my hair "it's me Taylor, taylor schilling" I yelled back she opened the door and let me in I noticed her in a robe I blushed and looked down
"Is this a bad time" I stammered what are you doing to me Laura Prepon

"No, no it's fine come in have a seat make yourself comfortable I'll just go and get dressed" I nodded as she walked up to the bathroom I wondered around the house and went upstairs at the coner of my eye I saw the bathroom door slightly opened 'I shouldn't do this' I told myself but I couldn't help it and peeked through I saw Laura slipping on a purple(I like purple don't judge) thong god it's so sexy I shook my head and headed downstairs after a few minutes Laura came down with her gorgeous long wavy hair
"So what brings you here today" she asked as she gave me a glass of water

"Oh nothing it was a pretty boring day so I drove around the neighborhood and drove by your house so I thought I might stop by" she took a sip of her water everything she does is so cute ughhhhh

"So about the other day I'm so sorry I didn't know it was gonna happen and I didn't me-" she was cut off by my kiss I couldn't hold it in anymore then she backed off making me regret what I just did
"I'm so sorry I di-" then she kissed me back a gentle one this time
"Taylor schilling i like you I like like you" she was so cute
"I like like you too" we both blushed for a bit

"So what does this mean" I finally broke the silence

"Taylor schilling will you...."

"Awwwh yes" I interrupted her since she wasn't talking intertwined her fingers with mine and I laid my head on her shoulder we both admired how beautiful each other are I don't have to do that secretly anymore now I can officially stare at my gorgeous girlfriend Laura Prepon all I want

Authors note: yes finally I can write about cute Laylor moments and feed my imagination I hate/love carrie and Taylor's drama my heart always chooses the ship That'll never happen and ship it ughhh lol can we talk about the oitnb video of Mother's Day Laura's so cute and hot and funny and everything lol comment below your birthday mines may first lol 🌷zee tulip laaaaa yall my lil bananas xx💜 ps happy Mother's Day

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