Loneliness & Friendship

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Walking back to the classroom a familiar face stood at the door, it was the impulsive redheaded Sudo-kun.


They were a little surprised to see that he was engaging in conversation, Sora greeted him with a simple gesture.

"Avoid meddling in other people's business like you did yesterday please. It will scare the little one, that's all."

Sudou said before straightening up properly and joining the class. They didn't know what to expect with someone like him but Sora had concluded that it was just his clumsy way of saying thank you.

Once they entered the classroom, they found themselves in a lively atmosphere, groups of friends here, loners there. At the back there was a young student named Ike who was trying to convince Sudou to join the swimming pool so he could admire the chicks' tits. At the front there were some serious students working on their lessons right next to some loud girls who were talking about their karaoke outing.

Returning to their chairs Sora wondered if her tablemate would finally decide to speak to them but all she did was read on and on. Well, almost...

"Did you want something?"

The ice witch spoke to Sora for the first time since they came, he had taken a little time to realize that the question came from her.

"No why?"

"Yesterday and again today, you keep looking at me from time to time, if you have something to tell me do it otherwise stop, it's unpleasant.

Her words cut like the blade of Excalibur, luckily he had gotten an idea of her personality otherwise this surprise attack would have nailed him in place. In the end, despite its brutal form, there was finally a conversation between the two and Sora couldn't let this opportunity go.

"Yes it turns out I have something to tell you, aren't you interested in getting to know people from your class?"

"Not especially, I don't see the point, I grew up alone and I'm fine with it."

Wow, she was laying out her answer without batting an eyelid, after this second attack the conversation was going to be difficult to pursue.

"Don't you think it's important to know the people you'll be spending the next three years with?"

"Again I don't see the point, all I have to do in this school is work and graduate. Whether I know the people or not doesn't change that fact."

"That's true, just like you can limit your diet to a few basic foods and live decently, but why deprive yourself of the luxurious meals?"

"Who told you that friendship is the equivalent of a luxurious meal for me?"

Sora didn't understand the value of a friendship more than she did, so he understood why she wasn't interested, but unlike her, Sora had his little sister, which was quite different from a lonely life. Sometimes he imagined his life without Shiro but these thoughts brought him a feeling of emptiness every time. He found it as hard to understand Kushida's state of mind as he did Horikita's, living alone and living surrounded by everyone were two radically different ways of life. When Shiro and Sora were separated they panicked, when they were together they felt ready to face any obstacle, it was like a middle ground between Horikita's and Kushida's choice, they didn't try to bond with others because their bond was enough for them. So what was the point of following Kushida's idea and increasing those bonds? Why was loneliness enough for Horikita? Sora didn't have an answer to these questions.

"You can't know until you taste it."

"You don't know if I've tasted it or not."

It was entirely possible for her to be in the same situation as Shiro and have a connection with her brother that was enough for her, but in that case why was she hiding it? Did she have her own reasons for not mentioning her relationship with the council president? Was the family name a coincidence and they were not related? Many questions kept spinning in Sora's mind.

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