Queen of Harts

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Chapter 1 - 1985

Patty Martin was sat in the corner of the Rat & Carrot nursing a rum and black. She gazed down at the drink, willing it to swallow her up and save her the public embarrassment she was now enduring. She had a date with Jimmy Bigg and she had made it clear to him that she was not a girl to carry money on her and that, if he wanted her, he would have to look after her. No way would she be buying her own drinks. Luckily, she had brought some money along but only enough for the bus there and back. But she had felt a fool after 10 minutes at the pub without a drink, so she had no choice but to buy one. Now she had spent her fare, she faced a long walk home. She grimaced at the thought as she wiggled her toes in her winkle pickers. Where was he? She would fucking swing for him when she finally saw him! He was now nearly an hour late and her glass was empty. Where was he? She looked up, daring herself to be brave enough to survey the pub. It was a Saturday night and it was already filling up. A small portable TV sat behind the bar. On the grainy screen she could just about make out that Name That Tune was on. She got out her compact mirror and inspected her lipstick. As she was examining her appearance, Burt the landlord came over to take her glass.

'C'mon girl, time to go. He ain't showing up whoever he is.'

Her throat tightened as she felt the eyes of the pub looking at her. How could Jimmy have done this to her? She snapped her compact shut and looked up at Burt with her large eyes.

'He's just running a bit late, that's all. Ten more minutes eh?'

'It's been near on an hour and I have punters that want this table; ones that are buying more than one drink. Time to go, love.'

He nodded at a couple at the bar to come to the table. Patty was mortified at what was happening as she slowly accepted the situation and began to put her jacket on. Just as she went to get up, in walked Jimmy Bigg and her heart raced at the sight of him.

'He's here! See?' she pointed at him and Burt immediately held his hand up at the couple who were about to take the table. When Jimmy walked into a room, everyone noticed him. He was tall, lithe, and had a confident swagger. His clothes were of the punk persuasion and he was like a sexy Sid Vicious. Patty always wanted him the minute she saw him and her earlier anger and embarrassment that his tardiness had caused her was soon forgotten.

'Jimmy!' she ran to him and kissed him passionately. Jimmy responded to the kiss, but he never held her, preferring to keep his hands in his pockets and his eyes partially open, searching the pub to ensure all eyes were firmly on him. He knew he was late, but he wasn't the type to apologise or offer any explanations. He sat down at the table and nodded at the barmaid. She quickly got a pint ready and brought it over.

'Lucky you turned up when you did as they were about to turf me out!' Patty giggled but Burt was quick to interject.

'Sorry Jimmy. It's Saturday night and she was sat with an empty glass. Course if I'd known she was your girl—'

'Well you know now,' he glared at Burt who stood there in awkward silence.

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