chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to PJO. All rights reserved for Rick Riordan.

Annabeth pov

We stood in the throne room of olympus being jugded by the gods, Mainly Hera. We were summed from Camp Half-Blood after the daily campfire and stood in the center of the throne room very confused, even me being daughter of Athena. Those who were summoned include my boyfriend Percy, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Nico, Thalia, and finally Grover.

"You have been complaining about the arrangement that I had set up to save the camps, or so it seems." Spoke Hera in a rather annoyed tone. I hate Hera she seems to enjoy messing with Percy's an my life. However, I now understand why we were summoned, and I mentally face palm. Yesterday after the camp fire, that included both Greeks and Romans, we were talking about the Giant war and Leo's return with Calypso. When Leo brought up Hera and the swicth, shortly after we all were ranting and/or looking holes in the plan of what could have gone wrong."Oh." I breathed as the rest started to figure it out. "Hera" Zues spoke up.

 "I do not believe this is important for us all to be present I have more pressing issues with the returning winds.

" With that he stood and we covered our eyes as he changed his state then left. He must be busy reuniting and punishing wind spirts that had joined sides with Gaea during the war. Along with Zues a few others stood and left. Those who remained were Hera, Poseidon, Ares, and Athena. Hera seemed displeased at those who left but also brushed it off. 

"Hera what us this about exactly?" Questioned Poseidon.

 Hera smiled and began to speak as if proud of herself, "Well Poseidon, it seems that the seven and a few others were displeased with the arrangement that I set up." Athena spoke up then while Ares just sat amused at the whole thing as if a spectator.

 "We gathered that Hera, but obviously you are going to do something about it otherwise you would have not called council."

 " I was getting there, you demigods," she spoke now addressing them. 

"You must learn respect for the gods plans the swicth worked after all didn't it?" And though it sounded like a question I understood it was more so rhetorical. Percy however didn't. 

"We were just talking about things that could have gone wrong Lady Hera we meant no disrespect." And although I call him seaweed brain he can be smart sometimes even though I'd never admit it. Lady Hera seemed a little peeved about his interruption. 

"I care not of your excuses, you must learn respect therefore I place a curse on.." She was interrupted by Poseidon.

 " Hera I do not believe this is nessacary, they are welcome to their opinions and I would not like a repeat of the Titan war." He seemed angry though he controlled his emotions. Ares piped up "Oh this is getting good" before settling back down.

 "I agree with Hera" both Athena and Ares spoke not simultaneously but close enough. Ares didn't surprise me he'd do anything to get at Percy but Athena, my mom. 

"Mom!?" I called letting the words slip through my lips by accident. Though my mom looked guilty at my outburts she still seemed to agree with her statement.

 "Hera." Poseidon spoke his tone warning. 

"Poseidon, of those present you are out voted." Replied Hera a smirk tugging at her lips. Poseidon seemed furious, he stood looked at us once more and vanished. My guess is ethier to discuss things with other gods about this arrangement or simply because he could do nothing. Ares let out a woop and questioned Hera about the curse.

 "The curse is another swicth as well as a mission." The other demigods faces had confusion written all over them. I understood well... I have a possible idea. My bet was going to be that she was going to curse us with..wel I don't know...but then she was probably going to send us on a quest, and the completion of the quest would be the only way to get the cursed removed. 

" I, Hera queen of Olympus, curse those demigods present with διακόπτης (the swicth)." Nothing happened, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Maybe for us to swicth into toads or some outrages thing, but nothing changed. We looked at each other, Percy sent me questioning looks and I shrugged. "You shall receive the quest and camp." And with that she waved her hand and we were back at camp with those from Camp Jupiter as well. Leo spoke up

 "What just happened?" I was confused my brain felt slow I couldn't think like normal.

Hey! Thanks for reading I hope you like it The next chapter will have the revel of the curse as well as a new prophecy. Please review and give suggestions.

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