•|| Elegant •|| Rules ||•

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•|| RULES ||•

➵I have a life outside wattpad too so be patient and wait for your graphic to be done.

➵Don't use disrespectful words and be respectful towards your graphic designer.

➵If you want your graphic urgently then do write it with your form in last that you want it URGENTLY.

➵Will give your orders within 4 or 5 days also it can take a week too so have some patience till then.

➵Please claim your graphic within 2 days or it will be shifted into Pre mades.

➵If you have any specific picture you want me to use on your covers then do send it to me personally on my PM.

➵will send you your graphics through drive link or printerest link.

•|| PAYMENTS ||•

➻Do follow my account permanently. And don't unfollow after you get your cover.

➻Do give a peaceful shoutout to this shop on your Message board. {Don't forget to click on ANNOUNCE TO MY FOLLOWERS}

➻Add this Shop in your Public reading list.

➻Do give proper credits once you get your graphic and are using it.

➻if you had ordered a cover and banner then do give credit to me on your story description and make a separate ch showing your graphic and do tag me.

➻If you had ordered a theme (Pfp or Bgp) then do give credit on your bio of your profile.

That's all for the rules and payments.
Will be back with Forms soon❤.

Thank you for Visiting

UpNext: Forms

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