Chapter 1

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Hope's POV:

I duck under the swinging leg then quickly grab Jade in a head lock that has her at my mercy when I hiss with my fangs barred next to her throat. She taps on my arm so I let her go.

   I turn to the others who've become my friends over time. "You can't give a moments weakness. Your enemy won't give you a break or a chance to breathe. They will just go for the kill before you can even blink," I announce to my class which consists of a few werewolves, vampires, witches, a phoenix, and two heretics.

   Josie raises her hand and I nod at her. "Do we have to kill our enemy? Can't we just knock them out or something?" She questions and I ponder it over then shrug.

"You could but there's always a chance that they will try to harm you or your loved ones again. From personal experiences, it's not always the right call to knock out your enemy and worry about them later. It comes back to bite you in the ass," I inform them with my brother's faces flashing in my mind.

Letting Dr. Isaacs go free back in Detroit was the biggest mistake we've made. My brothers would still be alive along with Chase, Betty, and Otto. I suppose Mikey as well.

  "Hope?" Jill calls out softly touching my back and I clear my throat while shaking my head softly before focusing on our class.

"Everyone make a circle around the mat," I spoke and they do exactly as I asked making me nod, "now the reason we had you all wear either wear a red or green wrist band is pretty simple. Green are the good guys and red are your enemies. Tomorrow you will all switch bands."

  "Kaleb and MG," Jill calls out and the two step on the mat then fist bump before getting into their fighting positions.

  I look at both of them and they nod at us. "Begin," I say and soon they start circling each other before Kaleb throws the first punch.

I analyze their fighting techniques and notice they're using the ones we taught them making me feel proud. Although they're forgetting one important thing.

Jill sped forward and flipped both of them on their backs with her hands on their chests taking everyone except for me by surprise. "Always make sure to stay in tune with your surroundings for other enemies. Whether it be your enemy's partner or zombies. A simple mistake can mean your life," she explains with a smirk then stood up straight and helped them up.

"What about witches? We don't have high keened senses like the wolves and vamps," Penelope asks raising her hand slightly and we look at her.

"Then you're shit out of luck," Sebastian responds with a chuckle making the witches glare at him. Why is he even here?

"That's a good question, Penelope. Before I triggered my other halves, I was just a witch but I was also stronger than a human. You don't have to have high keened senses to be in tune of your surroundings. Everyone can see movement from the corner of our eyes so you have that plus you can use a boundary spell around you and your enemy. While werewolves and vampires have speed and strength, you guys have spells. Don't think just because you're a different kind of supernatural, you can't protect yourselves because you can," I strongly announce not just looking at her but at the other witches and the twins.

They smile and I nod while turning back to Jill who's raising an eyebrow at me which I raise my hands in surrender. Jealous much.

"Try it again but this time be aware of your surroundings. Hope or I will go at you unexpectedly," she tells the boys who nod and roll their shoulders slightly before going back to fighting.

   The rest of the hour goes by with our students taking turns on fighting each other and blocking our sneak attacks when needed.

   "Mama! Mommy!" Jill and I turn our heads to the double doors seeing our daughter running at us with a happy smile and a two months pregnant Kmart following behind her.

   I pick up Becky who lunges at me knowing that I will always catch her no matter what and I set her on my hip while holding her up by my arm.

"Hey, princess. Did you have fun with your mom?," I softly question pushing her curls out of her face and she nods happily with a smile.

"Uh huh! Mom and I were pwaying with Gamma, Gamma Cwaire, Gamma Haywey, and gampa. And the others. Gampa's funny," Becky signs/talks excitedly with a giggle.

I chuckle with a nod, "he is very funny, princess. I'm glad you had fun." I kiss her forehead then look at my mates who are smiling at us. 

   "How are you feeling, beautiful?" I ask gently touching her cheek.

  "I'm doing ok. Excited to find out the gender of our own little wolf," Kmart responds setting her hand on her baby bump and I chuckle while gently setting my own on her stomach with Jill next to me.

"So are we," Jill says in a soft tone smiling lovingly down at our youngest mate's stomach. Becky leans down a little to touch Kmart's stomach as well making us smile at her.

She has been our little helper and it's so adorable. If Kmart reaches for something that she wants, Becky stops her and gets it for her because she says and I quote 'mom carrwing baby broder or sister and can't hurt herself'.

Kmart gave her a lot of kisses which resulted in Becky going into a giggling fit. "When's the appointment again?" Jill asks looking between me and Kmart.

I purse my lips and look at Kmart who rolls her eyes at us with an amused smile. "It's in 10 minutes that's why we came to get you two. Also your class is waiting for you two," she informs us with Jill and I chuckling sheepishly.

Right. Our class. We turn around seeing our 'students' looking at us with amused smiles. "Right, sorry. Class dismissed. See you all later," I spoke up and Becky waves bye at them which they do it back to her making her laugh cutely.

She makes grabby hands to Jill who chuckles and gently takes her from me. I peck Kmart's lips before wrapping my arms around her's and Jill's shoulder as we walk out of the gym.

"Let's go see what our little peanut is," I declare playfully making them laugh a little and shake their heads at me.

We walk down the halls toward Mrs. Salvatore's office when I notice our family is in the parlor talking on the couches. "Hey Uncle Chris," I tauntingly sing making him flip me off with a chuckle.

We have a bet going on that I can't make him speak within four days. If he loses he has to carry me around for four days and the same applies to me.

    "Rude but it was worth the try," I gasp playfully making the others start laughing slightly and my mates giggle then pull me along with them the rest of the way to Mrs. Salvatore's office.

   Kmart knocks on her door and after a few seconds Elena opens it with a friendly smile. "Hey girls. Come on in. Everything is set up. Kmart if you can just lay down on the bed, please," she tells us and moves out of the way while holding the door open for us.

   We walk in and Kmart moves to the bed then gets on and lays down. Elena puts on some gloves and sits on her rolling chair next to Kmart while Jill, Becky, and I stand on the other side of Kmart.

   "This will feel a little cold at first but will turn warm," Elena says squeezing some lotion on Kmart's stomach then put a wand type device on it and kinda spread it around.

   "There it is. Wait- oh my," she breaths out making Jill and I snap our gaze to her with a concerned look.

  "What? What's wrong? Is the baby ok?" We ramble out our questions worriedly. My stomach feels so queasy at the thought of something being wrong with my child.

   "No, no, don't worry! They're fine. Everything's ok," Elena quickly reassures us making my worry go slowly away at her reassurance.

   "Wait a minute. Did you say they?" Jill asks with her eyebrows furrowed and my wide gaze goes from her to Elena who smiles softly at all of us.

   The next words have my stomach practically go down to my ass. "Congratulations, girls. You're having twins. A boy and a girl," she happily announces. Twins is all I hear before everything goes black.

Hope you enjoy
Sorry for any mistakes
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Peace out ✌🏼

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