Chapter 3- Hail Mary

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My Hail Mary

3 and a half years ago

It was a week before 17 year old Alyx was enlisting for the Air Force. Less than a year before she would actually be sent to basic training in San Antonio.

I had tried every trick in the book to distract her from being able to study, in the hopes she wouldn't score well on her ASVAB.

She did amazing, of course. I hated it.

It was a major decision, and one I didn't support. I had called her reckless, empty headed, even a government lapdog. I complained to her regularly, that choosing to risk her life for wars- especially wars that should never be fought- was the most ridiculous choice she could ever make.

Do I believe that wholeheartedly? No. In fact, if it had been anyone other than Alyx, I wouldn't be acting like such a brat. But the idea of her walking away from me...

She refused to back down. Her mind was made up, and her determination when she had her heart set on something was terrifyingly intense. And so god damn sexy I wanted to strangle her for it.

I decided it was time to throw my Hail Mary pass.

That evening, I confronted her with my only other ammunition, intending to damage, if not destroy, her impenetrable defense.

"You really want to go risk your life when you're all your dad has left?" I asked the back of her head.

I stood in her door frame, watching her do an endless set of sit ups. She held a blue weighted ball between her palms. A slightly faded 20 could be seen in large text, surrounded by a white oval.

Basketball shorts rode low on her hips, and a sleeveless t shirt with the sides cut completely out, showed her gains with each work out. Sweat shone in a thin layer all over her body, drawing my eyes to every curve and bulge that served to outline her profile. A drop rolled down the back of her neck, and I followed its journey until it disappeared behind the collar of her shirt.

My throat felt dry, and still she made my mouth water.

Freezing at the sound of my voice, she quickly sits up and lets the ball fall from her splayed fingers. It thumps heavily one solid time on the floor, before rolling a few feet and disappearing beneath her metal desk.

Her back is to me, and only the rounded shoulders and fingertips running rampant through her hair, let me know she heard my comment.

"I'm glad your here. I need more resistance to my core." She avoids my question completely, waving me over to her without even looking in my direction.

I walk forward until I'm right behind where she's sitting. This is the only time I get to say that I do the towering over her. She's on the ground, and little ole me in my cheer uniform, standing above her. She lays flat on her back and looks up at me, upside down. Sweat beads on her upper lip, and I have the most inconvenient urge to suck it off.

I'm irritated.

Not only is she ducking my question, but it's impossible to ignore the exhilaration that pumps through me as I step up and plant a foot on either side of her head.

I don't miss the glance up my skirt, or the hard line of her jaw tensing. When she wraps her hands around my ankles and meets my eyes, my stomach swan dives into her dark green pools. There's something deeper than surface attraction in her gaze. Deeper than the immature rush of endorphins that comes from scoring a peek between a girls legs.

That was the first time I had ever seen my step-sister look like she was starving for me. She was unconsciously revealing her hidden desire, and I could see
it's depths through the windows to her innermost self.

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