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Time skip(Next Day)

New woke up the next morning at 8 am he saw Tay sleeping on the bed he was looking so cute sleeping there curled up like a baby

He then got up & made his way to the washroom after doing his morning routine he got dressed then got near Tay to wake him as it was already breakfast time

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He then got up & made his way to the washroom after doing his morning routine he got dressed then got near Tay to wake him as it was already breakfast time

"Tay wake up," New said but Tay didn't even budge as he is a heavy sleeper

"Tay woke up it's time for Breakfast already" New nudged him this time

"Mom please let me sleep," Tay said in his sleep..... New chuckled seeing him whining like a baby

"Tay wake up," he said again shaking his shoulders a bit hard this time

"Mom please go, let me sleep," he said again whining like a kid not even noticing the voice of the person waking him

"Tay it's not Ma it's me New your husband, now wake up we are getting late for the breakfast, " New said and Tay immediately woke up

After he heard New say his husband, New realized what he said and he suddenly felt awkward he doesn't want to say that but it slipped from his mouth..... To create the atmosphere less awkward as they both were silent he spoke again

"Go get ready we are getting late," he said and get to the closet Pretending to search for something

"Hmm I'll be ready in 10 minutes," Tay said & hurriedly got inside the washroom

New sighed with relief then he hit his head "What the hell New you made him awkward" he said to himself

Were as Tay was squealing inside with happiness that New called him his husband after doing a happy dance inside the washroom he decide to get ready

Were as Tay was squealing inside with happiness that New called him his husband after doing a happy dance inside the washroom he decide to get ready

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New was waiting for Tay when his attention get to the gift his in-laws gave him he looked at it

It was an envelope... he doesn't know what was inside, he was curious to know but he decided to wait for Tay as the gift is for them both as a wedding present

TayNew | Unexpected Wedding With My CrushWhere stories live. Discover now