Past 3 days

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"Ms Narin" Jada called me.
"Yes, sorry, Ms Anavrin, Mr Iver appointed you to be his personal assistant"

Now what. What. WHAT. PERSONAL ASSISTANT? Thats not what i want! And who is he to appoint me to do his jobs.

"What do you mean, why out of the sudden?"
"His previous PA quitted because he's hospitalised. The other staff doesn't meet his requirments, except you. Thats what he said to me, why you exactly? You'll have to ask him yourself"

"And when do i start becoming his PA?"

"Effective today, immediately."

You motherfucker. I'll teach you a lesson

I headed straight to his office, in anger and knocked on his door harshly

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I headed straight to his office, in anger and knocked on his door harshly. This is going to be nasty Mr Iver.

No replies, i knocked once again and immediately the door was opened by Iver.

"Etiquette, Ms Elizabeth. You may enter."
"Mr Iver, you are appointing me as your PA. Do you actually know what i specialise in? Analytics. Not doing ones job."

"I'm aware"

"Then why me as your PA?"
"There's no replacement for the time being, you'll be my PA for the next few months until i find a new one. No objections. My final decision. Do whatever you want with it"

"You're abusing your power Mr Iver. You know what i can do with that right?"

"Sue? You dare to sue me?"
"It's not that hard anyway"
"Try me." He did the stare again. The same sitting position, on his desk. Facing me. And he looked me from head to toe with a very serious face.

For once, he is intimidating and i got nervous, just a bit. Relax Nav, get a grip. End this man.

"You just started working here not even for a week, and dare to sue me already?" He said while taking a sip of wine.

"I see you're one stubborn girl. You know i can end your job here right?"

"Fine. Fine i'll take it. I'm your temporary PA effective today. You make sure my analytic job stays secured and i get to work back after all of this done."


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