Chapter Twenty-Six: The Grove

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Fog hung over Riverside, encroaching upon the streets of the capital, winding its way around buildings and up alleyways: a fog through which it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. Hal waited at the bottom of the academy steps outside the merchants' cloth hall. She blew on her hands in a vain attempt to keep the icy cold at bay. Her stomach was already lurching with the prospect of what she was about to do. A few days of training, after two entire months of convalescence. Was she strong enough? Her gut feeling told her that she was not.

Two shapes coalesced in the fog, gaining in clarity: she recognised Jools and Kris, grateful for their company, even while she regretted their involvement. At the very least, if things went badly wrong, there would be someone to let Marc and Beric know what had happened.

The two thieves were both in sombre mood.

"Well, did you deliver the letters?" she asked nervously.

"We're here, aren't we? They got them." Jools appraised Hal. "You don't have to do this, you know. There's still chance to turn back. We can get you out of the city for good, can't we, Kris? No one need know – if you're worried about your reputation as a duellist."

Hal shook her head. No amount of dissuasion would work now. She had spent a sleepless night focusing upon the task in hand, and she was not about to change her mind.

"It's not just about reputation, Jools. I told you before. If I can't do this now, what chance do I have of getting Meracad back?"

"Well, I just hope you feel more confident than you look."

Clapping her friend on the shoulder, Hal summoned a smile. "It'll be alright."

Kris cleared her throat. "Ladies, we'd better get moving. The streets will start to fill up soon, and we can't afford for anyone to see what we're up to."

She was right. Questions would be raised if the three of them were seen meeting at such an hour bearing weapons. The scandal of a private duel could get them all into trouble.

"Let's start, then." Hal turned down the road in the direction of the main city gates.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kris asked her, her voice rising in surprise.

"Well, I'm to duel in The Grove, am I not?" Impatience wore at Hal's nerves. "That lies outside the city walls, as I'm sure you're aware."

Kris shook her head. "You can't think of going through the main gates where the whole world will be watching, Hal. We'll be questioned and turned back immediately."

"Do you have any better solutions?" She asked testily.

"Obviously. We're thieves, aren't we? We know this city like we know our own house. There's more than one way out."

"I see." So concentrated had she been upon the duel itself that such details had not even occurred to her.

"Follow us." Jools pointed down the narrow alley which ran opposite. "But don't," she warned "breathe a word to anyone about this."

They wound along the street, between houses packed so densely they appeared to be holding each other up. Hal was all but lost, relieved when they stopped at a smithy nestling beneath the city walls. Kris rapped three times upon the door and a young boy stuck his head out, grinned and then let them into a dark, smoky interior.

"Kris!" exclaimed the lad. "Jools!" He turned to Hal, eyeing her with suspicion.

"Don't worry," Kris explained. "She's with us. Let us out for a while, will you? A little business beyond the city walls. We'll be back before noon."

Hal - The Duellist #1Where stories live. Discover now