Chapter 2: Just Maybe....

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It's been a month since my meeting with Karma-kun. To be honest, both of us got so busy with our life that beyond the 'how are you', there was no conversation. Even though it was expected, I wanted to cling onto the hope of meeting him at least once more. I have literally everyone from the class in my contacts and I try to meet them whenever I get a few hours off my work, but with Karma-kun...

" Why is it so hard to be just talk with you?!", I said, head down, staring at my phone. "Are you all right Okuda-Chan",asked Hiro-San,my senior at the institute .

"I am absolutely fine it's just that-----", before I could say anything my phone vibrated and when I opened it, there was a message from none other than Karma Kun!


Hey, sorry for not asking earlier, but are you free this Saturday? I have a holiday so I was hoping if we could catch up over dinner?

"EH! Yes! Yes!", I shouted which definitely surprised lot of people around. I just embarrassingly sat down.

" Oh! Did you finally get yourself a boyfriend? Is he that classmate of yours--", but I was listening at all . She couldn't even complete her sentence before I asked , "Do you think the research head is at the office today?".

"Yes, I think but why---"

"Yoshi! Let's do it", I said

And I succeeded in my plan to convince him to pile up my work in the next few days so that I could have Saturday off. But...

(On Saturday)

Feels so good to wake up late for once! Kayano helped me improve my wake up skills, so now I don't have to worry about looking like a clown in front of him. I took three hours to get ready! The longest time ever! I don't why, but I wanted to look the prettiest in front of him . Silly isn't it?

Karma's POV

As I got out of my superior's cabin, I breathed a sigh of relief. It's been a while since I got a proper break from my internship. As I opened my phone after a week, many messages poped up on my screen but, the one that got my attention instantly was Okuda's. Seeing the message, memories of the trip to the classroom came back to me along with the promise I made. Maybe I should ask her for dinne When I did , I got an instant positive reply. I could feel her excitement from the messages and I smiled to myself.

"Karma wanna come for a game of poker",said one of my friends Subaru.

"Gomen, but I have plans with Okuda-chan", I replied uninterestingly

"Oh! I remember her! She looks very pretty and sweet. Wish I could meet–", my other friend said but couldn't continue due to my death glare. Maybe I do like her.....

(On Saturday)

Dammit! I am 30 minutes late! if it hadn't been for that problem. I did message her but, was it enough to make her stay? Heck...

When I hurriedly glanced over at our table, my jaw dropped. She didn't leave. Instead here she was looking the most beautiful ever while sleeping peacefully.

" Madam has been sleeping for a while now. She was doing her work prior to that. Would you like to order something?", the waiter told me

"After a while please", I whispered.

I continued to smile at her, just too amused. I put my coat over her shoulders and sat down, placing my head the same way Minami had while sleeping. 'She looks so cute doesn't she?', I said to myself

Just then she opened her eyes, stared at me. in the turn, I started her. After a few seconds, when realization hit her heads both of us shot her heads up and looked to the side. It was super embarrassing and I could feel her face turning red. My face was no better.

No One's POV

"Karma-kun! K-Konnichiwa!",Okuda said trying to fix her face.

"Konnichiwa", Karma said regaining his composure.

"I'm so sorry. I just fell asleep... I was just so tired by all the work—"

"No, it's all right, I can understand. You kind of looked cute when you—-"

He instantaneously put a hand over his mouth. It was something that he truly meant, but it only made Okuda more nervous

"Arigato",Okuda said, blushing hard and looking to the side he said.

"Shall we decide what we should order?", Karma asked. ' I had to go ahead and make it uncomfortable for both of us',

After the order was placed, silence followed. They did discuss about the menu but that was about it. To break the ice, Okuda finally asked a question.

"Anno, why did you choose this particular restaurant? I mean I love it because of it's soothing vibes and beauty. But it doesn't, how do you say it, well match your vibes."

" Well since middle school days, I often came here to study. You see that part? It is dedicated to people who want to have some quiet place. So I usually hung out here and studied. Sometimes, I even saw that pervert coming here and ordering some sweets and flirting with the waitress", Karma said, laughing a bit along with Okuda

"That is quite like Koro-sensei!"

But what Karma said ahead caught her off guard.

" Say what kind of vibes do I exactly give to you?", he said while leaning in.

"The soup is here!", Okuda said, practically shouting, which made karma laugh hard. As you might have guessed, the rest of the evening went without a hitch. Both of them were laughing throughout this 'not a date' dinner and enjoying the evening wholeheartedly.

"Thank you so much, but you really didn't have to walk me home", Okuda said as they reached her house.

"Of course it was necessary. I can't just leave a lady alone at night",he said. To which both of them giggle. After a very small talk, both of them blurted at the same time - "Anno" Both of them looked to the side. Karma gestured for Okuda to go first but she asked him to go first. As this was going nowhere Okuda produced a notepad from her bag.

"As this is going nowhere, why don't we write what we have to say on piece of paper?I guess it will also reduce the embarrassment as well." "Well that is a good idea . Let's open these chits when we go home. How does that sound come?"

This decision was agreed upon by both of them.

"I hope to see you soon! thank you so much for the dinner! once again I really enjoyed it",Okuda said, smiling widely.

"Well, I should be the one thanking you for making my dinner livelier", said Karma in a warm way. After waving goodbye, each of them rushed to their houses out of curiosity.

Call it fate, destiny or a coincidence but the note said the exact same words-

"Will you go on a date with me?" 

When they first read the contents, they were shocked thinking have they just got their own chits by mistake? But they knew that thought wasn't true. Okuda jumped on her bed and rolled around in happiness while Karma held his nose red face in his hands while relaxing on his chair.

I guess all of us know what the answer is- A 'yes' from deep within the heart.....


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