Chapter 0 - Pacific Theater

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Near Rongelap Atoll | 3rd Person POV

5:07 AM 12.11.1941 - 5 Days after the Battle of Pearl Harbour

It was a Dark and clear morning with almost no clouds to cover the sky, the water was calm if not for a Group of ships steaming thru it creating waves as the water was moved out of the ship's way but almost all of them were small just a group of Destroyers and Some Transport Ships, But one of the Ships was bigger it was the 3rd Lexington Class Aircraft-Carrier the USS Constellation. But even if everything around was calm, the same could not be said about the Bridge of this Fleets Flagship

"Commander we have Entered the Operations Area" | A sailor said as he gave the Officer a piece of paper

"Inform the Destroyers to get into Defensive Positions against submarines" The Commander ordered as the sailor went to the radio

"Commander we have received a report that a Japanese Aircraft Carrier task force is in the Area" A different sailor said as he gave the printed report, After the commander read the report his face became pale as he looked in horror at what he read

"I Want at least one Close Air Patrol at all times," The commander said as he looked at the table with the map of the Area "Tell the Pilots to get ready" he added as he started to make patrol routes on the map"

"Yes Sir" The sailor said as he made his way out of the Bridge

A couple of minutes later 6 F2A Buffalo were sitting on the end of the Flight Deck their Engines Running but they awaited the signal to start

"This is Altar's Leader awaiting the signal to start" The leader of the Squadron said thru the radio awaiting the Response

After Which the flight deck cleared and the signal was given

"Altar Squadron Starting CAP" he said thru the radio as his plane took off from the carrier

"Have a safe trip Altar" The Commander said thru the radio to the Squadron

"Don't Worry sir we will" The Leader said as the rest of the squadron slowly one by one took off

By the time the last plane took off, it was already 6:10 and the entire group was in formation in case of any attack the Planes with the Light-Blue Paint job slowly disappeared as they started their patrol

Altar Squadron | 3rd Person POV


The Planes were already in the air for Almost 3 hour's in the air conducting their patrol when suddenly one of the pilots spoke

"Bogey on our 10 moving towards the carrier's" The pilot said as everyone looked to their left and just like he said a group of White Aircraft were moving towards the carrier's

"They Look almost the same as the one's that attacked pearl" Another pilot said as they all changed their course to intercept

"This is Altar to Constellation do we have any Friendly aircraft in the area?" The Leader said thru the radio back to the carrier

"Negative Altar you should be the only ones in the air if you spot any other aircraft you are free to engage as you will" The Voice said thru the radio

"In that case we have 4 Bandits moving towards you but we will take care of them" The Squadron Leader said as the rest of the pilots also heard the conversation

"In any case, we will prepare Ram and Herdsman Squadrons to Assist you" The radio spoke

"Understood Constellation we are going to engage"

The 3rd Lexington - USS Constellation in Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now