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Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading Cursed! This is the last planned chapter, but if it's requested, I can write and post an alternate ending, and you can decide which you prefer! Please leave a vote/comment if you've liked the story, and enjoy the chapter!

Word Count: 1,503

TRIGGER WARNINGS- Trigger warnings for this chapter are pretty mild, nothing that specifically needs to be pointed out. 

Dream opened his eyes. He was lying in his bed, blankets tangled around his torso and mid morning sunlight streaming into his room. For a moment, he let himself relax into the warm pillows, until his memories of the night before kicked in. 

Remembering abruptly, he yelped and jumped to his feet. What happened? How did he get back to his room? Wasn't he just in the clearing... with lighting coursing through his body? 

How had he survived? 

"G-George? Sapnap?" 


Shaking his head to clear it, Dream stumbled through the house. Something was different, but he couldn't place what it was. Somehow, in his distress, he failed to notice that the wreckage from the fallen tree was completely gone, and the wall and roof unharmed. "Hello? Guys, are you here?" 

They weren't in the kitchen, and they weren't in the bedrooms. In fact, neither of them was in the house at all, and Sapnap's Tesla was gone. Had they left for a drive, or something?

Confused, Dream took out his phone and FaceTimed Sapnap. After a few rings, his friend picked up, the video showing that he was in a car and driving, holding the phone loosely and using the self-driving on his Tesla so he was free to answer the call. 

"Sapnap? What the hell happened?! Where are you, and where's George?!" 

Sapnap frowned in confusion. "Dude, what are you talking about? Is something wrong? I already told you last night that I was gonna be driving back from North Carolina today."

North Carolina?


Dream's face paled. "Sap, what- what day is it?" 

"Uh, September 26th. Seriously, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

The phone slipped from his fingers and crashed to the floor. Sapnap's voice, now fully alarmed, echoed from the device, but Dream didn't hear him. Today was September 26th. That meant... everything that had happened... hadn't happened. 

Was any of it real, or was it all a dream?

It certainly felt real. Dream remembered getting cursed, remembered meeting George, remembered Sapnap's hidden powers and how he battled in the forest. How could he have dreamt all of it up? The lighting, the hurricane, Twitchcon- everything, all of it. 

It physically hurt him to think that George hadn't met him yet, that they hadn't held each other in their arms, that they hadn't been able to-

No, that hurt too much to think about. At least the curse was gone. At least he was alive, and safe. Still, he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in his heart as he remembered all the good parts of the past month. 

Were memories 'memories' if you were the only one to remember them? If they might have been a dream? If they'd never happened in the first place? 

He didn't know. 

Fingers numb, Dream picked up the phone, bringing his camera back into view. 

"Dream! Holy shit, dude. You scared me! I thought you'd passed out, or something..." His best friend trailed off, taking in Dream's pale face. "Are you crying?" Was he? Dream hadn't realized. "Seriously, Clay, are you feeling okay? You look terrible."

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