How they would react to midnight concerts

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The midnight concerts I'm talking about is when you blast your music at 12:00 in the morning and sing along to them.  They're fun but will disturb everyone under the same roof as you.


- Assuming you're still alive after you disturb his sleep, you'd get kicked out of the dorm for about a week

-you'd get collared as well

- "The Queen of Heart's rules states that you may not make a racket at this time of night!  It's sounding like you actually want to lose your head!"

-seriously, why did you think this was a good idea to do this?  There's a 10% chance that you'll actually make it out alive and that's only if the other dorm members manage to calm him down


-Assuming that Riddle somehow slept through all this, Trey would knock on your door and tell you to be quiet

-would also probably bribe you to stop singing with some sweets

-In all honesty, he's probably a little bit amused and wants you to keep going, but for the other people in the dorm's sake, he was forced to tell you to stop

- "Maybe save your singing for when everyone is out of the dorm?"


-You already know that he's going to take a bunch of videos and post them on magicam

-Seriously, how has his phone not run out of storage yet?  It's certainly running out of storage this night

-The number of hashtags he puts on those videos-

- "This is going to go so viral!"


- Would come into your room just to throw a pillow at you

-then he would steal your speaker and any devices you have

-secretly videotaped the whole thing for blackmail purposes

-  Ends up staying awake all night long, replaying the video and laughing


-He'd be concerned for you at first

-Would probably summon a cauldron because he doesn't know how to get you to stop

-"Why are you even up at this hour?  Get some sleep!"

-you literally can't though because you're still crushed under that cauldron-



-"Why is this herbivore interrupting my sleep?"

-in the end, Ruggie ended up having to deal with you

-Leona just went back to sleep as best as possible, trying to block out the noise

-it didn't work and now in the morning, you had to run more laps than everyone else for spell drive practice


-He honestly wants you to continue for blackmail purposes

-since Leona told him to make you stop, he swiped your speaker (and anything else that you left laying around)

-to this day, he still hasn't given your speaker back


-Honestly wouldn't mind

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