Chapter 11: I Always Have a Plan

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"Guess what, we're broke."

"What?!" Y/n stood, flabbergasted at the way Stan casually dropped the information. She began thinking about the effects of being financially unstable. "What are we gonna do?"

Stan hummed inquisitively. "I have a business proposal."

"Go on."

"I'm thinking of catering to the kids. What do they like? Socializing and friendships. So the Shack is throwing a...?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "A party?"

"Yes, a party!" He exclaimed. "Thought it might be a good way for kids to spend money at the Shack."

Stan had already gathered his employees and assisted in converting the parlor area into a party area without even consulting with her. The twins had already purchased the decorations, Soos had acquired inexpensive cups and plates, and Wendy had obtained food. Perhaps it was the first time they complied with Stan's orders.

Y/n helped with setting up the chairs and the stage, while the twins and Wendy were goofing off. She was so busy adjusting a spotlight that she didn't hear Stan instructing the kids to use the copier machine in his office to copy the fliers.

Stan meant well, but he should have been communicating with Y/n about the Shack's items since she was the one who lived here first. He may have repaired the machine, but this was no ordinary copy machine. It's only a matter of time before the twins realize it's a cloning experiment.

Ford had tested it on Y/n because the machine could only copy that size, and it had worked. They'd taken advantage of it, using copies of Y/n as they helped around the house, whether cleaning, researching, or going to the store. Although it was painful to watch them disintegrate after the job was completed.

The twins came back with multiple copies of the fliers, making Y/n hum. Maybe it didn't work this time because it was so busted and broken? Maybe it worked as a normal copier machine now.

Stan had everyone lined up to assign them their duties. He held a clipboard as he read the names and their responsibilities for the party tonight. He let Soos be the DJ and the guy was ecstatic because it had been his dream to be the DJ.

"Wendy, you and Mabel are working on the ticket stand."

"What?" Mabel objected. "But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!"

"I... I can work with Wendy," Dipper spoke, raising his hand.

Everyone went silent as they stared at him. Stan rolled his eyes. "You realize if you do, you gotta commit to staying at the ticket stand with Wendy. No getting out of it, just the two of you, alone, all night."

Dipper watched Wendy, Soos, and Mabel goofing off as they laughed without a care in the world, making him blush. "I promise."

Stan turned to Y/n. "How about you, you wanna work?"

"Is this a rhetorical question?" She replied with a small smirk.

"I'm letting you be the supervisor, I guess. Be the all-around person." Stan glanced at his clipboard again before walking off.



The night had finally arrived. Stan came out of the room, dressed differently from his work clothes. "Woah, you're really looking forward to this," Y/n noted once they met at the hallway. She was wearing a jean jacket with a graphic shirt underneath.

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