Chapter 10: Dorms And Sports Festival

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Izuku POV

I woke up to see my beautiful wife next to me with my three adorable children between me and Momo as I didn't want to wake them up but I had to cause today we are going to be staying in the Dorms until the LOV and The Monarch Of Destruction are defeated

Izuku: Momo dear wake up

Momo: Mmm! 5 more minutes Zuwu

Izuku: (she always looks cute when she sleeps) *smile*

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Izuku: (she always looks cute when she sleeps) *smile*

I then turned toward the kids

Izuku: (my family is the cutest) Come on Momo we have school today plus we are transferring to the Dorms today or if you don't wake up *whisper to Momo* you won't be able to walk for a whole week

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Izuku: (my family is the cutest) Come on Momo we have school today plus we are transferring to the Dorms today or if you don't wake up *whisper to Momo* you won't be able to walk for a whole week

Momo blushed but didn't mind it cause she loved Izuku and plus she wanted more kids

Momo: Okay I'm up but I wouldn't mind just I expect to have more kids

Izuku: Maybe when we first deal with the LOV and The Monarch Of Destruction (dammit Izuku why did you said that you know how she was when she was in labor and giving birth to the twins)


Izuku: We are almost there Mi-chan

Momo: AUGHH! It hurts oh-Hhh GOD!

Momo then squeezed Izuku's hand and almost broke his arm

Izuku: (how!? Where is this strength coming from!!?) Y-yeah just l-like that just squeeze my hand I'm here for you dear

Momo then squeeze his hand even more as Izuku felt like his hand broke

Momo: Ughhh! It hurts so much!

Izuku: It's okay you can do it your strong ( and maybe stronger then me as I can see you broke my hand)

Flashback ends

No one POV

Izuku shivered as he remembered

Momo: Okay!

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