Wooden spoon to the knuckles

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Sara POV.
You have to be kidding me right now.My first day of highschool, I forget my things. I feel like punching a wall.Well I already did punch my brother but he's not enough. I'm not always like this.....I never get angry but starting all over from such little information is butthurting. At my old school I was that one friend that acted retarded on a daily basis. I would say what we did but I don't want the cops to come to my house. But it's like what ever.I'm going to this school called Brookside high.:-\ .My thoughts could go so far.It's an all white school, but I'm pretty sure I'll make friends..........I hope.
Justin POV
Ugh I hate school. I go to Brookside high and the girls there are terminal sluts. Well I'm a "loser" as classified to the popular people at school. Fuck them anyways.When bugs start to infest their faces I'm going to be laughing like a motherfucker. Im not that social. I sometimes talk to myself. I'm not crazy........hey stop I see you.Trying to judge me!!!!you are lucky it the end of my pic because I will whip your-
Quincy POV
I will not condone violence in this story..I'm kidding. I'm quite the joker aren't I. Being at this school is so great.The kids need Jesus but the teachers are soooooooo nice.I love math and on my free time I make up really hard circumference problems which are so good that even my teacher's can't solve..I wait to get to school.Bye reader❤❤.
---------------------------------------There will be a part two of this So don't skip to the next story.oh and that up there is Quincy.

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