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Hi!❤️ here is a collection of Peter Parker one shots. All are going to be Tom Holland's sorry but sometimes/usually all three are in them because that's how my ideas come.

I take requests but no promises I do them. Leave requests anytime because if I close requests for a a little while then I will have in all caps in the authors note " NOT TAKING REQUESTS AT THIS TIME" but as of now they are all open.

I do mainly two Ships.

Michelle Jones/ Peter Parker

Harley Keener/Peter Parker

I might do other ships but those are the main ones. Sometimes they are only mentioned and it just focuses a platonic ship.

Don't expect frequent frequent updates because I have school and writers block so yeah.

I try to have long chapters so that takes even longer. I like to have at least 1000 words minimum but sometimes I do little short chapters because I have an idea and just spend like 10 minutes writing them. So short chapters might be common because I don't like to pressure myself into writing more because then I lose my motivation. Therefore I have like 100 one shots/whole book ideas in my drafts.

I post all my one shots separately on a03 because I like to have people chose and red descriptions and tags because I'm bad a titles but I hate tagging on Wattpad therefore this is one book.

Updates will be on Wattpad first because I hate adding bold text/ writing in A03 so all my writing is in Wattpad and notes. It's sometimes on google docs if I'm at school.

I like to add authors notes so don't mind that i love talking to you guys that support my writing. Read trigger warnings if they have any because I am writing a few that deal with attempted sexual assault and panic attacks so please read them I don't want to trigger any one! I do try to write happy ones though because No Way Home did my boy dirty but I'm a sucker for angst.

Again any Questions/Requests are always welcome but DO NOT EXPECT THEM TO BE DONE IN RECORD TIME because I have a hard time ending my own fan fictions let alone one i didn't come up with up. They can be as detailed or as bland as you want.

I don't write irondad a lot sorry but some times I do. I ethier love irondad and read 20 fanfics in one day about it or I read 20 fics that Peter has other mentors in it. So I usually don't write full fledge irondad but sometimes there are definitely mentions to it or kinda like a side part but I might do a Tony's parents live and Meet Peter fic because I love that trope but we'll have to see.

The authors note at the beginning of every chapter will tell you if it is or not. Anyway love you guys thanks so much for taking the time out of your day and reading this. But I'm going to end this intro here because I've spent to much time writing this than I have writing a full ass 1,000 word one shot. I've literally been writing this for an hour.

Also some chapters will have curse words like a lot so if you don't like that than don't read those chapters.


Peter Parker one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now