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We go to Chan's room and sit on the bed.

First he just says quiet for a couple of seconds. Then he clears his throat and looks at me.

"Firstly, I don't wanna make wrong assumptions, but I wanted to ask you this after I noticed something today", he starts.

"Okay, no worries, just tell me", I say in a happy tone.

"I think something is going between you and Hyunjin", he says quietly.

I get red, because I don't know what to say.

"Uhh", I look down.

"And it's okay! But I just wanted to ask this so bad", Chan says and holds my hand.

"I think so", I say and he smiles at me.

"That's nice", he hugs me tightly.

It makes me happy, that Chan is fine with it.

"But I don't know how to tell it to the other members..", he says.

"I think we want to keep this as a secret for now, but you already knew, so maybe others find out too", I explain.

"I totally get that. Please be careful when others are around if you are not ready to tell", he says.

"It might be bad if it grows big among the members and soon staff knows about it"

I nodd, "Yeah I know".

I make a sad face.

Chan hugs me and caresses my back.

"I want you to do what your heart tells you to", he whispers to my ear.

"Okay", I whisper back while leaning on his shoulder.

"Thank you, you really mean a lot to me", I say and Chan tears away smiling at me.

"You mean a lot to me too Felix"

I show him a wide smile.

I start thinking that if I now go back to Hyunjin's room would people notice. I want to go there, but right now I feel like the best is to not be too close all the time. I'm quiet for a moment and Chan chuckles.

"What are you thinking?", he asks.

"Can I stay the night here?"

Chan looks at me shocked, but happy.

"Of course!", he's excited patting the bed.

Before we go to sleep I send text message to Hyunjin, that I'm not coming.

He answers me quickly and sends me a good night message.

I fall asleep fast while cuddling with Chan.

We wake up pretty early because we have a show we are invited to.

Chan hugs me in the morning.

"Good morning sunshine! You need to wash up"

I mumble some random words since I'm half a sleep still.

Chan laughs at me.

"You slept well didn't you?"

"Yes", I say with my deep morning voice.

"That's good, because the day will be long", Chan states.

"I wish I could sleep all day", I pout.

"I wish that too", Chan chuckles.

The door opens and I turn my head towards it while still laying on the bed.

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