What's cooking without fights (and concussions)

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Duck didn't liked his other two roommates, most of the times he would've gladly killed them, well not killed them, he hated to get blood on his favorite outfit.

The point was, he didn't liked spending time with them. Or at least that was what he kept saying in his own head.

if he had to be, completely and utterly, honest- which he didn't liked to be- he enjoyed the Red's one company, and he liked talking to Yellow, it was like talking to a child, or to a wall sometimes, he didn't really cared as long as he could talk about his own interests without being interrupted.

So, overall, he could tolerate the other's presence, most of the times.

That time was not one of those.

<<You need to put salt in it, see?>> said Yellow pointing out at a picture in a cooking book, the recipe said they needed salt, but why put salt in a sweet cake? Nonsense!

<<I know what I'm doing,>> he simply responded holding the bowl with butter, sugar and eggs in it like it was the most precious thing on the planet.

<<Guys, wait>> said Red grabbing the book from Yellow's hand, Duck looked at him, annoyed he hadn't took his defenses already <<you put the eggs in?>> the red one asked looking at yellow.

<<He did!>> objected yellow pointing his finger at Duck and hitting his beak in the process.

<<No, I didn't, you did>> lied the duck still holding the bowl.

Maybe the recipe said to put the eggs in slowly, mixing gently, and not like Duck was trying to dismember a corpse with a knife. But what difference could that even make?

<<Yea, I did>> Yellow nodded looking back at Red almost guilty, that little bastard.

<<No, you didn't,>> said Red looking at Duck and then at the bowl.

Duck took a look at what was left in the bowl and felt like throwing up for a moment, what should have looked like a soft cream was more like a white-ish lumpy ball of eggs, flour and other non-identified foods. Great

<<Looks good to me,>> protested Duck trying to move the... thing with a spoon, it didn't move and the spoon got stuck.

Red looked at him as if asking "what do you think you're doing?" and Duck hated that look. Many- the yellow one- could have argued that Red had no such things as a "look", he was just a red mop with big eyes. Eyes in which Duck liked to stare sometimes. Not the point. The point was that Red had a look, more than one, and Duck could read him, when he payed a lot of attention at least.

<<Let's just start over, give me the bowl>> said- sounding almost like an order- Red offering a hand to Duck to put the bowl on.

<<No, I'm working on it,>> he said back holding the spoon hoping for it to move, of course it didn't.

Yellow went to grab the bowl and him and Duck started a little fight, meanwhile Red was just telling him how stupid he was.

<<Don't touch my bowl!>> shouted Duck trying to bite Yellow's hand or arm without any success.

<<We need it!>> hissed Yellow giving a fast pull, for a second Duck lost his grip, but he wasn't intentioned to give up just yet, or ever for that matter.

<<Guys, it's the only bowl we have left,>> Red sighed as if that fight was annoying more than concerning, which it probably was.

<<He broke the others!>> Duck exclaimed looking at Red for a second.

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