Chapter 3

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    You woke. Sweat draped your body. The room was dark a scrapping sound rang in your ears. You lay on a Tardis blue couch. Your neck craned to the left. A man in a brown suit scrapping a knife against another. "Why the hell do I-a have to watch her-a anyway?! It's not like she would-a remember me?!" The man mumbled loudly. Scrap. Your eyes adjust.

    There was a faint light that hung above the couch. Another scrap. It was... a prison room. No windows, just a couch and high chair (The man sits in the high chair). Another scrap. That is Luci!

Who's Luci

  Your mind searches for his name. Another scrap.

   "L-luci p-please... SHUT THE FUCK UP" The man slowly turned toward you. His eyes water and his mouth hung open. His eyes searched you for any chance you knew him ( for eelz (gets shot//). " Y-you remember me-a Bella?" You hiss at the light as you settle on your forearms. " You-you,... your my uncle? Or some shit like that" You mutter rubbing your eyes. He quickly whips his eyes. "Oliver! Oliver! She's awake!!" The Italian jumps. Oliver burst through the door. Luci imminently stops jumping and straitens his clothes. Oliver's face brightens the room up. "(Y/N) your awake poppet!" Shuffling you end up sitting criss-cross on the couch.

  "I have the thing!Potion!Yay!" Oliver was now bouncing off the walls in excitement. "Slow-a down idiota!" Luci yells at him. Oliver stops and take a few breaths. "I have a potion to help you remember!"

  Lifting a eyebrow you question why. Oliver ignores the look. Handing you the bottle, he brightly smiles. "Drink taste like cupcakes" He whispers in your ear, creepily. Shaking you take a sip. "All of it" He urges. Your eyes widen. 'Holy shit it does taste like cupcakes' You think as you pour the rest in your mouth. Your eyes lids feel heavy. Luci pulls a pillow under you, you yawn. Oliver takes a blanket and covers you. 

"I need you to remember"


~Life flash back~

   You were a little toddler roaming a golden wheat field. 'Where am I?' Looking around you see a building. Wondering what it is you walk over toward it. After a few minutes you reach the door and walk in. Voices sound from afar. They were talking about a new country. A 2p country.  Reaching another door you open it. The countries stop talking. 

"Is that her?"

"Whats a child doing here?"

"Ugh that fashion!"

"She looks...weak"

  Oliver ran up to you. "Awww!" He snuggled into you. A man walked up to you bringing his nailed bat to his shoulder. "Hey doll, I am Allen are you (country name)?" He replaced his bats placement. "Yes I'm (C/N)" You say eyeing the glorious bat. "Well hello poppet I'm Oliver! What is your human name?" "(Y/N)" You reply in between giggles. "Oh is (Y/N) ticklish?" Oliver smiles. Fear stuck. "N-no" you stutter. Oliver laughs evilly. SHIT. He starts to tickle you. "N-nooooooooooo" You laugh and scream. 

   A knife flys past your ear. Oliver yelps. "Stop-a playing around!" Another man yells. Your eyes darken. You grab the knife from the wall and walk to the man that threw it. Sitting on the table he looks at you. " Whats your name sir?" You smile a insanely wide one. He scoffs "Luciano" Your eyes turn a unearthly red. A bloody red that doesn't belong to a toddler. Your hand grasps his curl tight. The knife in your hand flew to his neck. Whispering in his ear "Why did you do that you fucker? Huh? Do you want to die Luciano? I've spilled more blood than you ever have" The Italian yelps and tries to grab at his curl. Only to have the knife pushed to his neck harder. You pull his curl harder. " Are you sorry you little fucker?" "N-no" He stuttered. Pffffft protecting your pride. You put the knife to his curl. "Oh really Luciano? I will take your curl if you don't say sorry!" Your smile had reached your ears, your eyes glow. Luciano started to panic.


    His eyes searched your face. His hands went to his pockets stealthily.

"2 I don't think your curl's in for any good if you get that knife" Your smile was widening. 

     "I'm sorry!! So sorry Oliver I will never do that again! I PROMISE" Luciano yells. You lift the knife and lay your hand at your side. Luciano rest on hand on his throat and the other on the table. Giggling cutely you stab the area next to his hand. Luciano swiftly bring his hand back. Happily you jump off the table and back to Oliver. A very shocked Oliver.

"Holy Shit! She is a true 2p"  Allen smiles.

 ~Later on~

      By now You know almost everything about the 2p. Your relationships with them a strong and hold.

2p Axis! they are your your trainers. ( Lol Luci got use to you. You are like his favorite child. :p). Lutz and Kuro are pervs but its fun to hang with them.

2p Allies! ARE FUCKING AWESOME! You and Ollie are like daughter and father. Allen and Matt are like long lost brothers. Its baseball and hockey all the time with you three(+ killing poachers). Francois and you would have talks about the wrongs and the lust that falls upon him. He is very educational!

     To top it all off ALL the 2ps love you. You really didn't have any brothers. You always thought of them as friends. Best friends. They loved you and you loved them. They taught you everything. They were your family.


     THEY took you away from them. Your family. Your best friends. Then they lied to you. All this time. 

~Wake up~

    Your eyes open quickly. The light above burns them. Closing your eyes you feel a wetness on your cheek. Tears. Opening your eyes your in bed again. Alone. Getting up you feel energetic. Apparently you were asleep for a LONG while. Again you hear voices. They were seemingly to the room next to you. You get up and walk toward them. Going outside the bedroom, you think. 'I trusted the 1ps. They lied to me. Took me away from my family.LIARS' 

   You move toward the door that the voices came from. You open the door slowly.

"Your awake"

( Sorry for late update. I SHALL CONTINUE )

                                                                                                       ~ Katsunuke

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