Chapter 35

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Bentlie's POV - One Week Later

I'm awakened from a dead sleep when a sharp pain in my stomach makes me sit up and nearly double over. I clutch my stomach as another pain shoots through me again, and I'm quickly throwing the blanket back and running to the bathroom. I quickly strip out of my pajamas, but not before noticing a bloody spot in my panties and on my bottoms. My period isn't supposed to start for another week and I've always been regular so this makes no sense. After doing my business and getting cleaned up and dressed, I made my way back into the bedroom, only to have another severe sharp pain hit me again. Before I know it, I'm on my knees by the bed and I'm running out of air as more sharp pains come in waves.

I look up to see where my phone is, but they stop on the bed when I notice a few more blood spots on the sheets. I don't have time to question it because another wave of pain hits me and this time it makes me cry out and double over on my knees. I can barely catch my breath before more pains hit me and as I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, tears begin to fall from my eyes. I'm in so much pain that I didn't even hear Louis call my name or come into my room.

Louis' POV

I decided to stay behind while everyone else went out for the day. I was still far behind on my bike and needed to catch up. Harry had left Bentlie here today and she was upstairs asleep when I last checked. I was in my room, changing my shirt when I swore I heard crying. I stopped to listen, but what I heard was more of a nonhuman - like sound. I stepped out of my room and peeked my head into Bentlie and Harry's room, only to find a bloody mess on the bed and Bentlie kneeling on the floor crying.

Running over to her, I kneel down beside her and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Bentlie? What's going on? Are you okay?" She can barely catch her breath, let alone answer me, and that's when I know that she's not okay. I put my arm around her back and put one under her legs as she cries out, but I know she can't walk. There's blood on the floor where she was crouched down and she's bawling her eyes out in pain.

"I know it hurts, I'm so sorry. I'm going to get you help." She doesn't say anything and just lays her head on my chest.

Grabbing the keys off the counter to the Range Rover and grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch to wrap around Bentlie, I head outside. Once I've got her in the seat, I jump into the truck and head straight to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London. So many things are running through my mind right now, but I have to stay calm for Bentlie's sake. I hear her cry again and double over in the seat, which only makes me want to panic. Pulling into the Emergency Room entrance, I step out of the car and I'm getting her out as fast as I can without hurting her.

"Hey, I need help! She's bleeding, someone, please, help me!" I demand as soon as I step foot into the hospital. Two nurses step forward with a gurney and have me place Bentlie on it. She cries out again in pain and grabs her stomach.

"I found her crouched down at home, crying in pain and there's blood all over. It was in her bed and on the floor. She won't talk." I say in a rushed breath while following them back to the trauma room. They let me go as far as the double doors, but then they stop me.

"I'm sorry, sir. You have to stay out here. We will inform you of her status if something changes." A nurse says while pushing me back.

With a huff I roll my eyes and step back into the waiting room. I pace the waiting room floor, deciding if I should call Harry or not, but it would make things worse if I called him with no news to tell him. I sigh for the umpteenth time and run my fingers through my hair. When I turn around to begin pacing again, a young nurse comes out and gets my attention.

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