chapter three

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AN: authors note at end is important! hope this is good. lmk your thoughts !!


those were the only words i could think of when i saw him in the parking lot.

"Zaynie?" Liam glanced at me questionably.

"Hm?" i replied with while looking out the window.

Liam cautiously observed my actions like i was some fragile doll.  He's my best friend, but we are so different. Liam is the sweetest, yet he's popular because of the sport he plays and his looks.  and i'm just.. well.. Zayn.

he grabbed my hand from shaking slightly that i didn't even notice was and he said, "What's wrong? i can tell something's bothering you."

i didn't ever have the heart to tell Liam about them.  Yes, he knows about me being bullied from the past but not about Harry and his friends. He thinks that they are jerks to everyone, but that's not true.

"I'm fine Liam, i promise." i looked up at him and forced a smile gently.

He eyed me suspiciously and hopped out the car with his bag. I grabbed my things, and opened the door when i heard a familiar voice yelling.

"Oh, what a lovely surprise we have here boys!" i heard Harry say.

i looked down with panic, as i felt a anxiety attack coming. i felt a hand on my back that i quickly noticed as Liam's.

"Why don't you just fuck off you wanker?" Liam yelled back aggressively.

I closed my eyes and blocked out the things being said towards the two teenagers. i hated this.

"Can we just go now Liam?" i asked him quietly.

"Yeah, of course love." he replied sorrowfully. "i don't know why they bother you so much. they are fucking jerks."

"Believe me, i know. anyways let's go" i said quiet anxiously. i don't wanna be here at school.

A few hours later, i'm in my fourth hour when i felt something hit the back of my head. how original.. i looked down at the paper ball and opened it cautiously for some reason.

'Meet us in the bathroom by the locker rooms. or don't . you know what will happen'
i read the note and crumbled the paper up quickly. i never get a fucking break ever, do i? no i don't. ITS EVERYDAY this happens, i didn't do anything to them. why am i being punished?

i looked down at the table, and felt tears coming to my eyes.

'Don't fucking cry. you will be okay' i thought to myself.

I heard the bell ring, and packed up my things slowly. Harry walked by swiftly and glared at me as he left. i'm so done, honestly this is bullshit. i heard the bell ring again, and i walked towards the bathroom.

"Finally, what takes you so long?" Louis remarked as i opened the door.

"i don't know" i said as i stood there.

"What's up with you acting like your the shit? reality check, you aren't. you are one of the most fucking annoying people i've met" Harry said to me while walking towards me.

i stood there emotionless as i knew what he was going to do. it's a cycle, to be honest. it reminds me of a book. 'beat the skinny boy and make him feel like utter shit for my entertainment!'

fuck this shit.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when i heard him raise his voice.


i backed myself against the wall, as he continued to corner me.

"you don't need to yell, you know that right?" i said chuckling.

Harry took a look at me, and slapped me across the face. "I can do whatever i please."

i was a bit taken aback from his response, but i knew better than to say that shit to him. fuck it, he deserves to have his shit rocked.

i punched him in the jaw, and he stumbled back a few steps. Harry touched his jaw, and looked me dead in the eye. "You've done fucked up" he swung at me, and that's the last thing i remember.

i woke up minutes later, and rubbed my head softly. i went to sit up, and i groaned loudly as i felt a sharp pain through me.

"fuck." i breathed out, and i heard the bathroom door swing open.

I glanced at the door, and it was Niall walking towards me quickly.

"Are you okay? i'm sorry" Niall said to me panicking.

"Why the fuck are you asking? shouldn't you know this?" i said sitting up and resting my body against the wall.

"i know.. and i'm sorry, you don't deserve this. i'm only friends with them because i've known them since i was little. and i can't just drop them, you know? they are one of my only friends. here let me help you up" He said to me while pulling my body up.

"Thank you, uhm Niall? i feel like this is some sick joke" i said as i stood up.

He smiled at my softly, before replying with "it's not. and god, let me help you out"

He helped me sit on the counter of the bathroom, and quickly cleaned up my cuts and wounds.

"Why are you in a rush?" i asked curiously.

"Well, the boys might look for me soon. It's our lunch period right now, and zayn.. i do want to be your friend. but i cant. it's too dangerous when i have Harry on my ass all the time.. i will do all i can to help you though." Niall said to me sadly.

"Hey, it's okay i promise. Thank you for doing this for me, i appreciate it." i replied with a soft smile on my face.

"Your welcome, but i need to go. be careful Zayn!" he said in a rush.

"Bye! you too Niall. "

i looked at my body for all the wounds. damn. they had no remorse on me. i deserve this, i guess. i'm just fucked up and i'm a horrible son. it's just what i deserve.

i get my things and limp towards the door. what a fun fucking day.

AN: LONGER CHAPTERRR! i'm thinking about only doing Harry POVS when necessary, yk? anyways. hope you enjoyed! 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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