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Witches are generally known for being the bad guys in folktale stories. An old and disgusting hag eating children or casting curses.

Most are ugly and are women. Old women.

Kim Dokja however, was the exact opposite. He was young, an apprentice witch, beautiful-

Actually, scratch that.. He was... Uh... Ordinary looking..?

Simply because he was stupid enough to drink something he shouldn't have. His concoction of random ingredients, only to curse himself with an ordinary face.

Honestly could've been worse.

"Kim Dokja, where's the spider eyes?"

Han Sooyoung, a friend of Kim Dokja's. His only friend that he actually makes an effort to talk to.

"Uhh, they should be next to the human eyes, shouldn't they?" Kim Dokja responded

"Then we ran out." Han Sooyoung quickly said after.

"Oh, I go run a get some from the shop." Kim Dokja stretched his back, grabbing his bag from the entrance of his shared home.

He put gold coins in his bag, yawning as he began to head out.

"Hey! Get ogre snot this time!" Han Sooyoung yelled from another room.

"Okay!" Kim Dokja yelled, getting on his broomstick.

He sits on it, adjusting his hat so it wouldn't fall off while he was flying.

He hovers over the ground, slowly going up. Before he knew it, he was already speeding by.

Witches are rarely seen, mostly because they all fly in the sky, away from sight and they are in forbidden woods.

Kim Dokja looks down, the trees simply looked like broccoli. He looked closer, squinting his eyes.

"A human? Here?"

Kim Dokja's curiosity set. He needed to get the ingredients, but what if someone snatched that human for themselves?

He sighed, reluctantly turning around and heading straight for the human man.


His eyes were dry, he was insanely tired. But he couldn't rest. He couldn't. No. Way.

He had to make it to the witches' hut. He just had to.

Yoo Joonghyuk, a prince. He was known for being... Ruthless. But due to his ruthlessness, a curse was set apon him.

A curse that made him.. Different.

Once, every full moon, he'd turn into a wolf. Of course, he was basically a werewolf.

But when it happens, he could never control himself. So he decided to go to the witches hut.

But on the way, he lost his soldiers. His horse. Everything. Just to get lost in the woods to get to the witches hut.

He looked to the ground, stopping in his tracks. His legs collapse, his eyes blink once... Then another...

He faints, is this how things will end for him?

"This won't do..."

Yoo Joonghyuk hears a voice, who else would go out of their way to come out here? He tries to speak, but nothing could come out of his dry throat.

"Shh.. Don't speak, I'll take you somewhere safe, okay?"

Yoo Joonghyuk tried to look at the kind figure, but his eyes were too drowsy to see. He simply sleeps, wondering who the figure was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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