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          Webby and September made their way towards Scrooge's office , where Ms. Beakley had told Webby to bring September . Webby ordered her sister to stay outside while she dealt with the others , and that she would be allowed in shortly . Afterwards , Webby opened the door to her dad's office .
            " Webby , " Scrooge began calmly . " I believe there is something you want to tell me , "
She nodded and nervously walked further into the office . Then , she began to explain everything that had happened as Ms. Beakley and Scrooge listened . When she was done , there was a long silence . After what felt like forever to Webby , Scrooge broke the silence .
            " May I meet September ? " he asked .
             Surprised , Webby spoke . " You aren't mad ? " but Scrooge didn't reply . Hesitantly , Webby called for September to enter the room . Ever so politely , September walked into the office , making her way to Scrooge's desk , all the while he stared at her peculiarly .
            " Hello , I'm September, " she greeted kindly .
            " Hello September , " Scrooge replied , and his expression changed from serious to warm . " You can call me ' dad ' , "
             Webby and Ms. Beakley both gasped in shock as September tilted her head innocently . " Dad , " She repeated fondly . Scrooge then walked out from behind his desk and hugged his two daughters tight .
            " Does this mean I'm not in trouble ? " Webby asked .
             " Of course not , " Scrooge scoffed . " Honestly , for me this is just a normal occurrence , " he laughed , pulling Ms. Beakley into the hug too . Webby's face grew a wide smile , and she pulled her family closer into a nice , tight hug .


    A few days later , Webby remembered it was the time for May and June to come home ! Eagerly , she waited by the docks of Duckburg with the rest of her family , waiting in anticipation . She had September next to her , ready for May and June to meet her . At last , Donald's boat was approaching , and everyone was on edge .
    " What if they don't like me ? " September asked Webby anxiously . " How could anyone not like you ? " Webby replied .
    Donald's boat stopped next to the deck , and Daisy , Donald , May , June , and Delilah descended , hugging everyone and being greeted with hugs and tears of happiness . When May and June saw Webby , their eyes lit up and they gasped . " Webby !! " they called .
    The three sisters ran up to each other and hugged tightly , talking about how their trip went and how fun it was .
    " May , June , I have someone for you to meet ! " Webby squealed enthusiastically , and she brought May and June over to September . Suddenly , the smiles from the two's faces vanished .
    " Who's this ? " May asked .
    " Our new sister , Seppy !! " Webby replied , wrapping her arm around September's shoulder . Noticing the puzzled looks on May and June's faces , she leaned in and whispered , " It's short for September , "
    " Hello , I'm September , " September spoke shyly .
    " Oh , September is my favorite month ! " June replied .
    May and June began to observe September closely , June being infatuated by September's purple bow and May squinting at her suspiciously .
    " Did you make her ? " May asked again .
    " Oh , uh , yeah ! Isn't it cool ? Now there's four of us ! " Webby exclaimed , bringing the three other girls into a big group hug . May , on the other hand , pulled away from the hug .
    " Webby , why would you make another us ? " She asked
    The smiles on Webby and June's faces faded , and September held her arm nervously . Before Webby could reply , May continued . " There's already three of us , why do we need more ? "
    " Were we ,,, not enough for you ? " June added .
    Webby bit her lip and took note of September's anxious expression , grabbing her hand and gently squeezing it to reassure her . " You guys were gone , and I was lonely - "
    " You could've waited for us to come back ! " May retorted .
    " I know , and - "
    " And you didn't , " May crossed her arms as she glared at Webby . June held her hands in front of her sadly .
    " I told you they wouldn't like me , " September mumbled , on the verge of tears .
    "Seppy , it's okay ! " Webby reassured her , rubbing her back . September covered her eyes and hyperventilated anxiously , thinking of all the things that could go wrong . June hesitantly placed her hand on September's shoulder before trying to reassure her as well .
    " Don't worry , Seppy , I like you , " June smiled . September looked up at her and sniffled , then both Webby and June hugged September .
    " Look May , I know what I did was stupid - but it's way too late for me to take it back now , the least you could do is just accept her for who she is , she's part of our family , " Webby told May , glaring back at her . She saw May's shoulders tense up , her hands in small fists , and at last she calmed down . " Alright , " May agreed .
    June held her hand out to May , and May placed her hand in hers . Then , the four sisters all shared a giant hug together . While Webby most certainly was biting off more than she could chew cloning herself , at least she knew September would have a loving home . In a way , she was envious of September . She , May , and June had all been created with evil purposes . September , though , was created with the pure intent of being there for Webby . As she hugged her three sisters , Webby couldn't help but tear up . Her family had come so far from where they had come , and it was just getting bigger and bigger everyday . If May , June , and herself had troubled pasts , at least September's would have good intentions .

The End

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