melt me with your sweet kisses

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miyano had sighed heavily as he looked over at the calendar,
He felt a bit addicted and suck, he was particularly suck on what he should get sasaki this year for Valentine's day.

You see, he could probably be like any other bland person and get his beloved boyfriend like flowers, some roses for sure.
and some homemade chocolates to go with it Y'know? (Also don't forget the cheesy card to—)

But, he didn't just wanna get him something basic and bland. He wanted to give him something to show his love and appreciate for him!
It had to scream something that showed him his love for him.

'Should I take him out on a date. Or..? '

'... Well that's what most couples do anyways...' he thought to himself, ' maybe not... It'd be to crowded everywhere to considering it's one of the biggest holiday's for couples in love after all... ' he sighs again.

' or Maybe we could make chocolates homemade chocolates together?... Or eh... That's not really special is it..? '

he sighed to himself feeling even more unsure that he ever had been before about all this.

He wanted to to give sasaki something special this year... He just really wanted to let sasaki know how much he loves him, but nothing seemed to be good enough to miyano.

But than again he didn't want to disappoint sasaki with his valentine's Day gift this year.... Last year was different there together now, so he wants to make this year better! For him and sasaki, to spend there time together and so that he can show his love and appreciate for his dear, beloved boyfriend.

'Hm maybe I should just straight up and call him... See what he wants for Valentine's day?.. Wait no I can't do that! It ruins the surprise.. '

Miyano really couldn't be  stressed enough, Valentine's Day was in a few days.. It was basically right around the corner! And he couldn't think of what to get sasaki this year...

And miyano was at all means not clam not fine about it. He was not handing it well....
Man he really did miss sasaki, maybe talking to sasaki over the phone would help him feel better, and maybe help him think of what to get his boyfriend this year.

Who knows? It just might work.
So, mustering up all his courage and after a few moments of hesitantly hovering his hand over the call button on his phone,

he finally press it as he holds his breath in nervously not sure what to expect,
he was only calling sasaki... It shouldn't be so nerve wracking right..?

— ring ring ring

and so the phone began to ring, shortly after a few rings
sasaki quickly picked up (expected of course, he's sasaki and it's miyano calling him after all.)

— “mya-chan Hello! How are you doing? ” he says, it was quite obvious how happy he was to be talking to his beloved mya-chan.

— “a-ah... Sasaki-senpai... I'm doing good... I just wanted to hear your voice.. ”

he says softly almost while the tips of his ears slowly turned red, he was sure that if sasaki was in the room with him right now he'd differently be teasing him about it right now. (but thankful he wasn't,)

And if he was miyano would definitely be ten times more Embarrassed about it, That's for sure.

— “so mya-chan does that mean you're free than? ” sasaki says with his voice full of love and happiness, you could tell from the tone in his voice that he truly loved him. (That much wasn't hard to figure out.)

— a-ah there's a new coffee shop that opened up down the road! We could go there.... ”
Miyano says hoping that sasaki would accept, but knowing sasaki he'd accept the offer even if miyano had asked him ur he
wanted to go look at dumpsters,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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