⊹ two !¡

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It wasn't until Jisung was on his back in bed when he realized he didn't even get the man's name. Hell, why was that guy there anyway? It didn't seem like there was much to the trail, but then again he and his friends just followed the main path, not any of the small trails stemming from it. Who knows, maybe there was a community building or park nearby that Jisung knew nothing about.

Jisung wanted to punch himself in the face for not even attempting to get his number. Granted, maybe Jisung should've been more cautious about encountering a random man in the middle of the woods. He was so hot though. If Jisung's gayness clouded his rationality this time, then so be it! Look! He's alive and well right now, so he doesn't regret relaxing in that man's presence.

After analyzing his day in his mind, Jisung eventually fell asleep while manifesting that he would run into the boy again, somehow.


"No! You don't understand! Imagine the hottest person on Earth. You got it? Yeah, multiply by infinity." Jisung said as he and his friends were once again strolling down some random road in town.

"I think we've got it, Ji. However, what are you gonna do about it?" Changbin asked after Jisung ranted about the man for the millionth time.

"What do you mean what am I going to do about it?" Jisung asked in return as he took another sip of his cheap juice box.

"Y'know, are you gonna look for him or something?"

Jisung had really thought about this. Though no matter how he looked at it, there was very little chance of ever meeting him again. It's not like Jisung could just go into the endless forest again and find him. Even if Jisung just walked the trail again, the likeness of the guy also being there is close to zero. And if Jisung had any clue about him living in town, he would be keeping a look out for sure.

"Probably won't find him. Though I will continue to annoy you guys by talking about him for the rest of my life." Jisung declared with a taunting smile.

"I pray to god you find him so he can finally shut you up." Jeongin said with a groan.

"Did I mention he looks like a Greek god?" Jisung genuinely asked before throwing his empty juice box in a nearby trash can.

"YES!" Changbin and Jeongin exclaimed at the same time, causing a moment of silence between everyone.

Before they knew it, they were all cracking up as they continued down the quiet street. Maybe they'd find a place to skate or a place to just sit and hangout. And if Jisung continued to talk about the god-like man for days to come, then that was between them.

Those days of nonstop praise for a man he didn't even know eventually passed, Jisung's remarks rarely made their way into conversation. His thoughts about the man remained in his mind. Jisung was planning on heading out with Changbin to get groceries for the week, a small trek they always made together.

"Do we need the ingredients for tonight's dinner?" Jisung questioned as he was about to put on his sneakers.

Changbin hummed before sitting next to Jisung in the entryway.

"Yeah, but I've been wanting to try out the local farmer's market instead of the regular grocery store. That okay?"

"Oo, shopping local! Let's goooo," Jisung said with a hyped voice.

Truthfully, he wasn't very hyped. His introvertedness mixed with his social anxiety made shopping (and going out in general) quite nerve-wracking. He was constantly hyper-aware of his surroundings and all the noise and visuals made his brain go into overdrive. Changbin knew this of course; he did his best to make Jisung feel comfortable while in public.

After they both got their shoes on, they headed out the door with a reusable bag Changbin found somewhere. They both had never been before so they didn't know what to expect, how expensive would it be? Would it have what they need? "It doesn't hurt to try," Jisung repeated to himself in his head.

They both finished tying their shoes before heading out the door. The town wasn't huge, so they shouldn't have too hard of a time finding the market. The roads are quiet but Jisung and Changbin fill them with their laughter and jokes that anyone else would call dumb. A few clouds spotted the bright blue sky, the sun enveloping everything in a blanket of warmth. It wasn't too hot, it was perfect.

After roughly 15 minutes of walking, Changbin spots some stalls set up near the road. The crowd surrounding the stands wasn't enormous, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. Who knew the farmer's market would be so popular.

"I think that's the market over there," Changbin says with a pointed finger.

"I think that's-," Jisung started to mock in a high-pitched voice before getting slapped on the chest. His voice immediately gave way and he shot a glare at his best friend. Of course he wasn't truly mad, this was just another day of their friendly bickering. Jisung wouldn't have it any other way.

His relaxed emotions immediately left when they got closer to the crowd, a few bodies bumping into him. Some apologized and some definitely didn't. He made sure to stay by Changbin for even the smallest twinge of comfort. He silently watched as Changbin bought a variety of foods including freshly-made bread and locally made honey. They just needed a few more things such as vegetables and fruits, the most important stuff really.

As they were walking down towards the produce stalls, Changbin paused and turned around. Jisung looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Could you buy some vegetables while I get the fruit? We'll get out of here quicker," Changbin asked before quietly waiting for an answer. Jisung didn't want to, not because he's lazy but because it's terrifying. However, they will be able to leave faster and he would actually be helping instead of following the older around like a lost puppy.

"Yeah, sure." Jisung said, giving a not-so-convincing pat on Changbin's shoulder before quickly heading forward so he doesn't notice how nervous he is. He probably does know, but that doesn't mean Jisung will show it anyway.

He quickly spotted a table that was practically a sea of greens with other colors randomly sprinkled in. He's found the vegetables now he just has to buy them. Okay, easy enough.

Turns out, it's not that easy. He approached the stall gripping his wallet in his hand so he would be ready to quickly get it over with. He examined the vegetables without speaking a word, making a mental note of what he will have to say. After he decides he has figured it all out, he finally looks up at the vendor.

Only to see the vendor looking back at him with an amused grin. Those sharp eyes curved into the prettiest of crescents.

This is either the best or worst day of Jisung's life.

His mental script suddenly disappears into thin air as his mouth hangs open in shock. He blinks once, twice, a third time.

"Forest dude." Jisung says bluntly as he gives a single finger gun. Let's be honest, it wasn't the best thing to say but it could be so much worse.

The man only chuckles before giving a small nod, his smile never leaving his face.

"I mean that's not what people normally call me, but I'll take it," said the man as he leaned against the table, his arms flexing. Jisung wasn't staring.

"Then what do people normally call you?" Jisung pushes, trying to act nonchalant even though he's been wondering all along.

"Minho! Pretty basic name, huh?" Minho said softly with a shy smile.

"Common but still pretty." Jisung said almost automatically, he watched Minho's eyes flicker away for a second.

"Thank you," Minho said breathily before looking right into Jisung's eyes once again, "what about you? Your name?"

"Han Jisung!" he said before turning around after feeling a light tap on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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