Last night's bed fight/meeting

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yoo wassup bro I came back


3rd person pov:)

"Here is yours guest room."
Olivia have them a big room with a king sized bed

"dang this room is majestic!"
Anne said Amazed but marcy was even more amazed. let's just say she's happy like a little kid receiving a happy meal with two toy packages.

"yes, and I suppose you may have notice the less number of beds yet we are rich but we can't get enough room space due to the less number of builders and architects. so you may sleep in one bed, don't worry for it is king sized." Olivia said. she was right it was a big bed Anne and marcy both sat down their body's also placing their crutches down aswell.

"you may make your selves comfortable I'll help andrias with something." olivia bowed down and closed the door the two were left alone Anne spoken up first.

"Marcy you know.. i- you can't just jump on the king like that! we would have been in trouble or worse! Freaking kicked out the castle!" Anne said marcy look at her with a confused face.

"But we didnt so I don't see why your worried?-"

"Yeah but still!" Anne said. marcy never had seen her like this but it was resonable none the less.

awkward silence filled the room for a few little moments till a quiet voice echos in the quiet room.

"..okay I gotta admit it was pretty stupid but still kinda funny" Marcy said she looked away from Anne due to her scold.

marcy heard a sigh, marcy was then met by a hug from Anne.

"Sigh.. okay. I forgive you but please don't do it again because we might get in trouble for something like this." Anne said hugging her with only one arm cause of her arm cast.

"Alright. I will" marcy patted her back they both broke the hug and they both had eye contact. they stared at eachother for a second before looking away and blushing.

marcy looked back at Anne who was still looking away she took her eyes of her for a moment and looked at the window she noticed it was dark outside meaning its night.

"i don't know why I'm saying this but maybe we can settle this tomorrow. it's already night so.."marcy scratched the back of her neck and smiled Anne turned back at her immediately blushing again.

'Shes too cute..' Anne thought to herself.

"A-alright.. I'm already feeling tired anyway so.." Anne said. laying back down with marcy doing the same

"Heh time goes faster here kind of. it's only been a few hours and here we are in a castle!" marcy said laying down next to Anne leaving her to blush again.

"hehe.. uhh well I- I IGOTTASLEEPNOWSOBYESONIGHTMARCE"  Anne yelped and took litteraly half of the sheets just to cover her face.

"hey! your taking up the blankets you dnag cacoon!" marcy said getting back up trying to fight for the sheets making Anne fight for it too.

"Nope nuh uh! get your own! and I don't care if you'll freeze to death!" Anne said still inside the blankets fighting back for the sheets aswell until marcy stopped grabbing the sheets.

"Fine. I'll just freeze to death and then leave you all alone here with no help! hmp." marcy gave up and crossed her arms and then layed back down in defeat.

that made Anne frown inside the cacoon blanket she didnt wanna be alone. she also regretted saying she wouldn't care if marcy died. she does care. and it would be a big hit to her heart if marcy did Die.. Anne sighed and got out the blanket looking over to marcy who was actually  sleeping.

your wish is my command. (Marcanne Royalty!au) discontinued.Where stories live. Discover now