Chapter Thirty-Six (Nerida):

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Mists of ice cold conditions surrounded me as the True Knights and I continued to rapidly descend. Vesta, who obviously knew something that I did not, managed to stop Ashley from thinking too much. Then Callisto, my aunt, did not worry too much about all of it.

Then again, no one could use telepathy to read her actual thoughts.

When we land, I instructed, no one here is to interact with any of the passengers outside professional boundaries. No hugging or public displays of affection. Not even friendly gestures.

Called it. Right as our surroundings became nothing but whiteness. The flames around the spacecraft quickly diminished as we grew deeper into the storm. Resulting in the storm itself to rapidly dissipate. To stop lightning and to prevent any incidents from taking place. Ashley was already on it.

Clouds rapidly began to clear, but not all the way. Mists beat at us and increased into light droplets of rain. More water against the flames of the ship. Though, I thought this plan was an extreme longshot due to the temperature of the ships surface. With that said, I did my part as Imitai to help. Using my imagination, I though of the ship quickly cooling down on its own. The temperatures rapidly dropping. Like all the other unexplainable phenomena I had caused.

As I expected, the ship's flames went out. All of the heat emitted from it now disappeared. Ultimately, Ashley ceased the temperature with haste.

What was that? Asami said in shock. Imitai! Why did you not do that in the first place? I am on my way!

That was even faster than my idea! Ashley's impressed thoughts rang in. What do you suppose we do now?

Ceasing my activity, I now concentrated on the direction we were going. Looking ahead, I gave them a quick answer. Something popped in my brain! This is a situation with a limited amount of time. Keep clearing the skies Lei!

Twenty-thousand feet. The pilots in the center control room were calling it out. Ashley continued to assume command of her personnel. Yelling relentlessly about instructions. Keeping the now overjoyed personnel sane.

Applause, cheers, and thoughts of jubilation could be picked up from everyone. People were seeing us as heroes. Meanwhile, we True Knights drew closer around the ship.

Meanwhile, Asami appeared beside me in the form of Infra, smiling and shaking her head. Here if you need any more help!

Infra, I instructed, now that you are here, you will be utilizing your abilities to slow the ship down in the event the landing thrust is unavailable. My bad if it has to do with my craziness in getting this shit done!

We were already dropping quickly enough. Similar to an aircraft in a rapid descent to land. A sloppy landing approach to be exact. Looking at the situation now, I could quickly make the call. Every second counted, and we were dropping enough to where landing would be rapid.

Wind continued to beat hard, but thankfully I was smart to keep wearing my mask. Unlike that first major fight. Learned my lesson surely enough. Not happening again. Ever.

Land appeared before us. Buildings too. Tall, tall buildings. Familiar and quickly describable as where I was just earlier. Downtown Manhattan.

Now I know why an evacuation order was called! I said. New York does not play with low-flying aircraft.

Or spacecraft. Even aviation tried not to go anywhere near that peninsula. Based on the events of decades before. Over thirty years without a single soul who was there that day forgetting any bit of it.

Redirect the route away from Manhattan! I called out. We can't be pissing the locals off!

And so we did. Asami immediately joined and used her telekinetic powers to alter the course northwards at an angle enough to alleviate concerns of everyone beyond here monitoring the situation.

Twelve-thousand feet! Ashley's thoughts rang out as we flew past the metropolis. Instead, we were a tad bit north of the northern suburb of Yonkers. Asami quickly adjusted the heading back to the normal destination point as we all braced for the final stretch.

Ten-thousand feet.

Nine-thousand feet.

Eight-thousand feet.

Seven-thousand feet.

Six-thousand feet.

Five-thousand feet.

Four-thousand feet.

Three-thousand feet.

Two-thousand feet.

One-thousand feet.

Seconds to impact, the reverse thrust finally managed to kick in. high overs what was now a vast wooden wilderness. A patch of open land below.

Vertical collaboration is fully operational, Ashley announced as the engines below commenced. Roaring as it did, the ship slowly made its way to the ground.

Seconds later, we True Knights, touched down on the firm dirt where the faded green grass sprouted out of. We ran from the spacecraft as the exit door at the rear opened up and the walking ramp diagonally descended to the ground.

All of us True Knights were there, standing juxtaposed to one another as an overwhelming amount of Ashanian spacecraft hurried to the area. Troops began shuffling out. Mixes of Ashanian and Earthean alike. Some acting in ways I could only react sympathetically to. Like kissing the ground.

When she exits, I instructed, we will maintain our professional composure. For the sake of keeping our identities. Anyhow, Infra, let's go!

Although I wished to stay, we had our lives as the Minamoto sisters to get back to. Immediately. Therefore, I thought about my hotel room and teleported back there. Everything around me blurring into the usual vortex as the grass below me disappeared into the whirl along with the sight of everything else. 

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