Ch.8 Oh he's back

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Third person's POV


He looked up and saw the person he never expected to see.

Dan could hear the surprise in Heesung's voice. He turned to face him fully and nodded, unable to find his voice.


"It's been so long," Heesung said, smiling at him. "How have you been?"

Dan took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. 

"I've been good," he finally replied. "What about you?"

"I've been doing well," Heesung said. "I heard you were studying here, but I didn't expect to see you in this class."

The whole class was staring at them, some were taking photos of them. Surprised to see the interaction of a hot new student and the pretty nerd boy who pretty much doesn't talk with anyone.

Heesung was still looking gorgeous like he was in high school. Maybe became even more. Dan thought.

Heesung took a seat right next to him.

"Why... are you here... Heesung?"

"Why, am I not allowed to be here?" He chuckled.

"No I mean, I thought you went to Singapore for uni right?"

"Yeah, I did. But I kinda wanted to come back and continue my studies here in Korea again, so I transferred here."

"Ohh, okay."

The professor came in and started teaching, they didn't talk at all. Dan tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. He was sitting next to his ex-crush, talking to him like it was just another day. Heesung seemed genuinely happy to see him, which made Dan feel a mixture of awkwardness and sadness.

 What was I supposed to do if my high school crush suddenly came back? Dan thought.


Valentine's Day in Year 11 

"Dan, stop being a coward go confess to him."

"No Jooha I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? You are always confident right."

"Yeah, I know but what if he doesn't like me back."

"It doesn't matter, if he rejects you, then just say it was a prank."

"All right." Dan sighed.

Dan had always admired Heesung from afar, but it wasn't until he faced some difficult problems that he realized just how much he cared for him. Dan started having a crush on Heesung the day Dan fainted in the Physical Education class. Heesung carried him to the medical room. Since that day, they started talking more and became good friends.

Heesung had been there for him, lending a listening ear and offering advice whenever Dan needed it. It was during those moments that Dan started to fall for him. Heesung was the one who started keeping a nickname for Dan, Dannie. 

Valentine's Day was always a special day for Dan, a day when he thought he could show his appreciation for the people he cared about. He had received a lot of chocolates and flowers from his classmates, but there was one person he was especially excited to give a gift to Heesung.

Dan had been thinking about what to get Heesung for weeks. He wanted it to be something special, something that would show Heesung how much he meant to him. In the end, he decided to make Heesung a batch of chocolate cupcakes, his favourite treat, and buy him a bouquet of red roses.

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Where stories live. Discover now