the date

69 2 3

2D: "so whered u wa na go?"

puff puff: (2 ur place) uh idk maybe 2 the carnival

2d: "k"

they go 2 the carnival and play sum gamez. they ssit no a nearby bench consming cotton candy

puffwuff: "so how r ur bandmates?"

2: "well noodle came back after being gone for a few yerz, russel also came back and murdoc fot sum piratez idk anyways itz noodz bday tmrw wanna meet em?"

p: "sure lol"

d: "so hwz ur bandmatezzzbb"

p: (holy shot i got called bb) "deejay is coool, axrl is stupid as shit and benatard is a gay brit"

slendeman: "wotz rng wif bein a gay brit?"

boss baby: "nothiingn lol anyways u wanna meat mybandmatws later on??"

enderman from inefceaft: "sure"

the 2 hang out until 5:00pm

legman: "u know im glad were frienfs puff ur soooooo fun 2 hang out with feels better than wotever id b doing  at home

hood: (9but i wana b more than thst) "me 2. ready 2 meet my friends?"

legs: "yuh"

thy ho in the bus

red: "hey guyz i want u 2 meet my new friend"

deejay: "hey- wait, is that 2D?"

axel: "how did u becum fruends with a fmus singer???"


puf: "wait their the 1s u listen 2 24/7???? damn theyre a bop"

piss hair: "i thot u said u sayed ther music was shit"

brunette: "i lied just 2 insult u"

2d: "uh-"

blond: "ello 2d im a bg fan !!!!!! ^^"

brune: "well anyways thats benetar hes the keytearist and guitarist and lso other singer. his boyfrien over there is axel and they ake out every 4:00am in the mrning also he plas the drums and the big bitch is deejay hes a dj

2d: "nice"

bru: "wanna stay over 4 2nite????"

2d: "sure lol"

yellownette: "does da mean i have 2 slepp sumwhere else? :("

brown hair: "no lol he can sleep on my bed"

axl: "sus"

angry midget: " SHUT UP AXE GO PEG U SUSSY BAKA IN AMING UD!!!!1111!11!!!!!!!"

a few hours late every1 is asleep............. except for one. the gay midget coudnt sleep in the front paassenge seat. he hd no chice but 2 sleep in his bed.........where 2d was

gay: "shouldve made benadryl move shitshitshit" he whispers

he went to his bed and went onn it. it was dark but he could see stus face. "cute" h e thought as he crawled on the bed and got nextb to the sleeping tol blueneytte(totally didnt get th woed from a 2doc smut fanfic yt vid spoiler alert it was scary and painful 2 watch)

toochie: "huh-?" he mumbled

the tiny bitch woke the blu bitch up

whys he taller than me 😭😭😭😭: "shut up and just ignore me the seat was uncomfortable"

tootsie: "dw i dont mind lol gn"

tootee fell asleep like a baby. what. anyways puff puff laied on the bed closing his eyes. "wut a night," he thot bt he suddenly felt comfy (the sd 2d 2D fangirls/simps r ganna b jealous lol) and so he fellasleep like a beby 2

note: my bestest bestest best friend aka my homie wont responf 2 my essages help anyways i found the image on pinterest by yourlocalfella101 k bye

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