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763 9 3

!!TW: Mentions of Blood!!

!!If you are uncomfortable reading about the topic please don't read the chapter!!

!!This is the rewritten version!!


  It was a sunny afternoon. The rain had finally stopped and everyone could come outside and feel the warmth of the sun on their skin. This was also a good opportunity for the members of Wonderlands X Showtime to rehearse their lines at Wonder Stage instead of rehearsing in video call.

  Surprisingly, Tsukasa was the last one to arrive today. He is usually earlier than Rui and Nene but something seemed off about him. He was all injured. He had a black eye and scratches on his face. There was a lot of blood coming out from his nose too. It was an unbearable sight for the director.


Rui: Tsukasa-kun?

Tsukasa: Hello Rui. Sorry if I came later than usual. I had some problems back at home and had to deal with them.

Rui: It 's ok, Kasa-kun. If I may ask, why are you injured? I haven't seen you like this since middle school. Did they hit you again?


Rui: Tsukasa-kun, please tell me what happened.

Tsukasa: I-It's nothing serious Rui. I promise you.

Rui: Tsukasa-kun, I know you don't want to make me worried about you but even so, please tell me the truth and be honest. It's not like I will bite you.


  Said Rui as he let out a small chuckle before looking back at the injured Tsukasa in front of him.


Rui: Sit in one of the benches, I'll be back with some bandages.

Tsukasa: I already told you I'm fine, Rui, see? It doesn't hurt anymore.

Rui: Are you sure?


  Rui decided to touch one of Tsukasa's scratches to see if the other reacted to the touch. And he did. Tsukasa flinched to the touch of Rui's cold hands in his face, more precisely, in the wound.


Tsukasa: Rui!


  Rui let out a sigh as he made his way backstage to get the bandages for Tsukasa.

  It didn't take long for Rui to come back now fully prepared to take care of Tsukasa's wounds and bruises.


Tsukasa: I already told you I'm fine, Rui!

Rui: You are not, Tsukasa-kun. Now let me take care of those wounds of yours before you get an infection, and a bad one.

Tsukasa: Fine...


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