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The heroes surround Cash in the sacred cave, who is still tied up.

Cash pleads with them. 'Aw, come on, let's wipe this place clean. How much do you want? Hold on, hold on! W-we can talk this out, right?' LadyDragon unties Cash's legs and speaks to him sternly. 'You destroyed my father's school, made me an orphan and forced me to steal for you.' She de-transforms. Cash gasps.

Fei continues. 'You caused me to betray all the ancestral values that my father had taught me. From the beginning, you have always been the source of my misfortune. And for what? Money! There are no words to describe what you are, but today, I will let justice take its course!'

Tang Tang grins. 'Well done, Fei!'

She She agrees. 'Here's to a true, wise Renren!' Fei transforms. She takes the bracelet and puts it on. Much to her surprise, the bracelet glows, and the spirit flies out of it, and it's Mei Shi, in his spirit form. Unlike the Renlings, he is visible to all.

Mei Shi grins. 'About time! I was wondering when you'd finally put it back on.'

LadyDragon, Ladybug and Cat Noir gasp in union. 'Mei Shi?'

'You thought that was the end of my mission?' Mei Shi chuckled heartily. 'It was only the beginning!'

LadyDragon turns to the heroes. 'Ladybug, Cat Noir, thank you for your help!'

'Our pleasure!' Cat Noir replied as their miraculous started to beep again.

'Let's get you home before we turn into pumpkins kitty!' Ladybug grinned.

She opens her yo-yo and gets out the horse miraculous.

'Tikki, Kaalki, unify!' Ladybug says, becoming Pegabug.

'Woah, impressive!' LadyDragon says.

'Voyage!' Pegabug says, making a portal back to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

'Thank you for using Pegabug Instatravel for all your travel needs!'

Cat Noir smiles. 'Thanks LB! See you back in Paris!'

Cat Noir steps through the portal to the top of the Eiffel Tower and the portal closes behind him.

'If you'll excuse me, I need to check on Marinette and Luka. I bumped into them on that building over there earlier. If I give them the address of the Thousand Delights restaurant, could you meet them there for dinner?' Pegabug asks her.

LadyDragon grins. 'Sounds great! I'm starving! Ying!' She turns into an eagle and turns to Cash. 'How about a little trip to the Shanghai courthouse?' she says as she lifts Cash up and and carries him away.

'Voyage!' Pegabug says, going to the rooftop where Viperion was waiting.

'Scales rest!' Viperion says, transforming back into Luka.

'Tikki, Kaalki's, divide!' Pegabug said, transforming back into Ladybug. 'Let's get you two back to my room quick so you can get something to eat. Well done you two!'

Sass and Kaalki smiled as she put their miraculous back into her yo-yo and swung Luka down to the ground in a deserted alleyway.

'Spots off' Ladybug says as she detransforms.

'While I was waiting for you, I looked up the address for your uncle's resturant and memorised the directions.' Luka smiled.

'Luka, you're the best!' Marinette replied as they headed off, Luka holding Marinette's hand lovingly stroking it as he led the way to her great uncle's house.

After LadyEagle had taken Cash away, she detransformed and make a stop into the Cash Antiques pawn shop to pick up some items that belonged to some new friends. She even found Marinette's phone SIM card where she had dropped it outside and put it back inside for her. She got her purse, Luka and Marinette's promise rings, Luka's phone, Marinette's heart shaped locket necklace Luka had given her. Basically almost everything she had taken from them she got back.

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