Chapter 1

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"Axel wake the hell up" i heard xander Shouting.

Wait if u think im a guy well im not im actually a girl my name is Axel jade smith. Well yeah i have a boys name but it doesnt matter. My parents gave that name for me but i really dont like talking about my parents it brings back the day that they died.

I got up from bed. Rubbing my eyes and walk into the bathroom and Turned the hot water. And got in after showering i opened my closeth and bought out a jeans and a white long sleeve. With my favor. Silver angkle boots. And ran down at the kitchen.

"Morning Babe" i said in a seductive tone.
"Babe ur face" Xander rolled his eyes.
"Sarcastic much" i smirked .
"Whatever.! Lets just eat" he glared at me playfully.

Well if u think xander is my boyfriend nope your probably wrong well he is my bestfriend and we live together in this apartment well i have a little crush on him cause his , FUNNY, KIND, SMART , & HANDSOME. Well he has this Blond hair that looks the same with the band singer in one direction NIALL. But duh whatever. And he has green emerald eyes that is so peircing oh god. And he is a 6footer and a really good body.. And he's not a gay.

We chat about some random things while eating his Delicious pancake and Bacon.

"So are u coming later at the Gym? the guys are expecting you" xander asked.
"Yeah i am" i smiled.
"After that where going clubbing are u still joining?" He smirked
"hell yeah why not" i grinned.
"Ok but i first im going to the interview in King's. International corp." I added.
"What time should u be there?"he Raised his eye brow
"8:30 am" i replied before shoving a peice of pancake into my mouth.
"Well Bad to say its already 8:00 am" he smirked

I immediatley stood up and grab my purse and car key.

I exited the building and went got into my white X.U.V and drove to KING'S INTERNATIONAL CORP.

When i got there i parked my baby and walk to the receptionist.
Well more like an office slut and who wears a blouse that can show a Cleavage in the office.

"Excuse me ms. Im here for an interview" i smiled at her.

"56 floor ms. Just take the elevator over there" she said and smiled back at me.

I walk towards the elevator and enter. When it was about to close someone was yelling.

"Ms. Wait stop the door." The guy was yelling while running towards the elevator.

I pushed the open and he entered.

"Thanks." He smiled
"Welcome" i replied not removing my gaze on the floor.
"My name is ethan" he offered me a hand shake.
"Im Axel" i shook his hand and smiled at him.

And we heard a ding.
Ethan got out and bid his goodbye oh shit i was really nervous at this interview and i heard a ding.

The elevator door opened reaveling a small receptionist that looks in her 40's i walk towards her.

"Good morning Ms. May i ask where is the interviewing section." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Goodmorning Sweetheart its In the first door in the right" she beamed

I said my goodbye and went into the room when i entered it i saw a 7 females well they wore a office attire but no offence there skirt is so short and there blouse is to small showing some cleavage and theyre face are caked up uh!. I took a sit in the back and took my Resume out.

The girls was called 1 by 1 and they exited the office looking very mad

"Axel jade Smith" the guy near the door yelled. I instantly got up and walk to the door. I knock 3 times before a deep husky voice said "Come in" i walk in and the office was very big and in the middle a glass desk and a very big office chair. The back of the chair was facing me and it was facing the huge window.

The chair turned revealing a very handsome greek god..

"Please sit down ms. Smith." The greek god said.
I walk into the chair in front of his desk and sat.
"May i see ur resume" he added

I hand him my resume and read it
He smirked not removing his gaze on my resume.

"So u went from harvard and an honor student" he stared at me.
"Yes sir" i replied staring at the floor.
"Very well. Your hired be here tomorrow 8:30 am and bring me a Black coffe with 2 sugar and 1 milk.." He said.
"Thank you sir." I stood up and went out the building and drove into my apartment.

When i got there Xander was already out so i showered and change into my sports bra and my Nike volleyball shorts and put on my favor. Nike high cut shoes
And drove my self at our gym.
When i entered the gym i was greeted by Tyler and Kurt .

"Hey axy" tyler pinch both of my cheeks.
"Stop it tyler it hurts and dont call me Axy" i slap his hands he just laugh
"Hey baby girl" kurt teased.
"Kurt!" I warned him.
"So where the bloody hell is Zeth, Xander and Jem." I added while raising my left eye brow.
"Theyre in the room. Lets go there" tyler Replied.
We walk into the room and i was surprise cause i was greeted with Jem his nose was bleeding and Zeth and Xander were on the floor laughing hardly clutching theyre stomachs.

"What the bloody hell happened here" i yelled
Zeth and Xander quickly stood up while wiping there tears.
"he hit his nose with the locker" Zeth replied
"Yeah its true" Xander added
"Whatever Freaks lets just finish this shit so we could go clubbing." I rolled my eyes and with that we trained.

Sup! Guys sorry for the wrong grammar and spellings i really suck on that by the way whatcha think do u like it??


LOts OF LOve :*

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