Chapter One

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It's Monday morning and I'm late for school.

"Mom, I have to go." I grabbed a slice of Mom's french toast and kissed her cheek. "I'm late."

She smiles and gave me a light hug. "Take care, Gabby."

I nodded and find my way out. I'm not really worried of being late. I'm pretty sure our professor would come later than I am. I fished out Mom's car keys in my bag.

Mom usually drives me to school but since last week, she gave me free access to drive her car. Of course, for educational purposes only. Like now, driving myself to school.

I tried to forget what happened last week. I wanted to forget everything from starting that day with the biggest change in my life. Forget everything from that day and pretend that I'm still living my own normal life. But with that man with the beautiful face? Forgetting is a lot more difficult. Especially  when he hunts you in your dreams every single night.

I always wondered if that kind of beautiful man really exists. Considering he is not an actor or such. It's unfair to normal guys like him to have that kind of face. But same with what everybody says, that's life. And life is unfair.


I smile and wave at the girl who just screamed my name. After parking Mom's car, immediately got out to go to my bestfriend.

"Wow. So Mrs. Marson lets you drive her car!" She said, clinging her arms to my mine. Kiena Rose, my bestfriend. "That's awesome!"

I just smiled. Mom would not consider letting me drive alone to be called "awesome". That's why I'm also confused with all of this. Maybe because of... I shook my head. I shouldn't be recalling any of that.

"Have you heard that we're having a sub?" Kiena interrupted my thoughts.

"Sub? That's unsual." I laughed. "We will be  graduating next month. How come our prof would need a sub?"

She shrug. "Don't know too. But the thing is, by the rumors spreading like fire again, Mr. Sub Professor is hot!"

A hot professor in the middle of February? I guess that's indeed unsual but who would not like a hot professor in the middle of February? One thing's for sure though, we would like that.

Normal day is ahead of us.

As we walk to our classroom, things changed my mind. Slash the "normal" in our day.

Why are the students from other departments crowding our classroom?

"Woah. Woah. Woah!" Kiena said, unclinging herself to my arm. "What does this people doing here? People! Make way! This is our classroom!"

That didn't made any difference to people who are chatting and still crowding our way inside. But knowing my Kiena, she find way to push us through the crowd.

I almost got pushed to the floor if  I didn't hold on to Kiena. We got our classmates, and surprisingly that he's here, our professor's attention.

"Good morning, Miss Rose. Good morning, Miss Marson. Please take your seats." He said that really surprised us both. He wouldn't scold us for being late?

Mr. Rich Wagon, the terror professor, didn't scold us. What the... Now that's an achievement.

We greeted him and went to our seats that are on the back. Students are still outside. I don't know if they would watch us or they would just stay there. But either way, Mr. Wagon looks like he doesn't care about it. Even our classmates don't seem to mind and I think Mr. Wagon was speaking a while ago and got interrupted by us.

Some of my girl classmates are alreading biting their nails. Some our holding their phones that should be kept inside their bags. Boys are boys, but today, they look... Well they all look excited. What did we miss?

I looked at Kiena and we realized that we are thinking the same thing.

"As  I was saying, I need to go to the Philippines and I won't be able to attend your graduation." Mr. Wagon said. He look stressed.

Mr. Wagon never look stressed. He's a terror in giving discipline but he's also a fun professor. He acts like a second father to all of us. And even though he has problems, this is the first time he showed this side of him. Despite the excitement, I noticed that we all looked worried.

He showed us a hint of smile. "But because you're all my children by default, I won't leave you with nothing. " He chuckles. "You'll like him. He was my student before and I know I could trust him to handle you until your graduation..."

That started the chatting inside the classroom.

I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket. It was a text from Kiena.

Girlfriend K ♥:"So any wild guess?"

I replied I have no idea.

Girlfriend K ♥: "Would that be our  hot sub for us? *wink wink*"

I had to cover my mouth from laughing. Mr. Wagon is now making some random jokes again so I'll have my excuse why I'm laughing here. I replied I don't know but I like her idea.

Girlfriend K ♥: "We'll see. *wink wink*"

We kept our phones before Mr. Wagon caught us. He's telling the class some stories about our sub professor that on his way here.

Then I felt it. Something is not right here.

I looked at Kiena. She's growing more excited with our professor's story but I really feel uncomfortable. Some parts of my brain tell me that something is fishing about our sub. What added to everyone's anticipation was Mr. Wagon won't tell us his name.

"There he is!" Someone shouted and everyone turn their attentions.


I focused myself on my hands. No. I might be mistaken. How could be that even possible? My imagination might be playing with me. I can't hear anything...

It's like the world slowed down its rotation. Every second seem to be longer than the other. I can feel my own heart beating hard on my chest. It hurts.

I swallow.

I feel like I'm losing enough oxygen to breath.

I don't want to look but my head automatically turns as our sub professor walks in. Damn.

Mr. Wagon, who's smiling from ear to ear, introduces the man beside him. "This is your new sub, everyone. He's quite nice, isn't he? He's..."

I can't look anywhere besides that man and now... He's looking straight back at me. With those same pair of black  eyes. Is it me or everyone seem to hold their breath because of this man? I swallow again.

"...Gabrielle Montelvaro."

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