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Audrey's POV

I groaned in pain as I turned over. My head was pounding and the side of it ached. What the hell happened?

"She waking up?" A muffled voice asked.

"Yeah." Another said. I couldn't identify them, but could tell that they were male. The first sounded older than the second. I was lying on something like a bench and it felt like we were moving; I assumed we were in a car.

"Hit her again." I snapped my eyes open, instantly remembering what had happened.

"Yes, sir." The second groaned, sounding sarcastic. I tried to move away but my mind was swimming and I couldn't tell what direction the voices were coming from. Something was covering my eyes so I couldn't see. But shit, could I feel the pounding after he smashed me on the head again.

I woke up again like I did before, only this time I wasn't in a car. I took a second to see if I was hurt. My head was still throbbing, and I felt a little banged up, but nothing serious. I tried to pull the head covering off, but found myself restrained. I pulled my arms but some kind off cuff was attached to each wrist. The jangling of chains told me I wasn't chewing threw any rope to get out of this.

But what was this?

Where the hell was I?

I couldn't hear anything but my heavy breath and the chains clanging around every time I moved. This wasn't right.

Had I just been kidnapped?

I thought that only happened in movies! I swallowed hard and shivered at the thought of being away from Dad. I felt that feeling inside right before I had an attack. That feeling of just wanting to throw up and pass out all at once.

Stay calm Audrey.

I shut my eyes even though either way all I could see was black. Dad will find me. He'll get me back. He promised he wouldn't let anything hurt me again. He had to.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and pulled the covering off of my head with them. I shook the hair out of my face and glanced around. I was in some sort of cell, like a prison cell. I was in fact chained to the wall and the cuffs were beginning to dig into my wrists. I swallowed hard and blinked a few times, wishing I could wake up and this would all go away.


I shuffled back against the wall and reached my hand into my back pocket. I don't know what I was thinking, of course they would have taken my phone! I began to panic again. How would Dad find me? Where even was I?

"Oh good, you're awake." I heard from my right. I snapped my head around to see nothing but darkness. It was him. The older man from the car. I could tell by his voice, but I couldn't see him. "It's Audrey...Fuentes, is that correct?" He asked. I went cold at his voice and shivered. I heard footsteps coming closer, though outside of the cell. He emerged from out of the shadows and stepped into the light given off by a window. He was looking down at something in his hands, but looked up at me and smiled. It was a twisted, crazed smile. I looked at what he was holding and swallowed.

"Oh, this?" He asked, holding up my phone. "Yeah, Audrey Fuentes, daughter of Vic Fuentes of...Pierce The Veil?" He questioned. He must have been looking at my twitter or something. He hesitated. "Hmmm...in a band." He tapped the screen a few times. "Awww, father daughter selfie!" He whined with fake adoration and showed me the picture. I knew it was on Vic's twitter. "'Loving my baby girl more than the world. I constantly thank god for @ptvslilfry ! #daddydaughterday.'" He read the caption. He looked up at me and looked like he was examining me. I pressed myself back a little, but I wouldn't take my eyes off of him. I was suddenly very thankful that I was in the cell and he was out. "Sounds like daddy would pay a hefty price to get his little girl back, huh?" He asked. I felt the anxiety building and I just wanted to cry.

"Please let me go." I begged, my voice cracking slightly. My throat was dry and sore. The man chuckled.

"Oh, no, Sweetie, I can't do that." He said. "See we're not going to ransom you off like some pussies too afraid to get caught." We? "I mean, we could get a lot of cash, but what's that compared to our very own sex slave?"


Anything but that.

I froze, unable to move a muscle. Tears immediately filled my eyes and spilled over and down my cheeks. God, no. Not this. I felt like my whole life was over. My entire world was crashing down around me. My throat closed up and I struggled to breath. No no no no!

"Aww, don't cry Sweetie, we won't kill you." I cringed as he called me Sweetie. "I mean, yet." I was in the midst of a full blown panic attack now. I couldn't breath at all and my vision was completely blurred by tears. I shook violently with each sob and choked on my own tears.

He was going to kill me. He and however many people he had were going to rape me until they got bored and killed me.

"D-Daddy..." I coughed out, desperate for air. All I wanted was to be back in Dad's arms, safe and happy.

"That's a real turn on. You better keep that up and maybe we'll keep you alive a little longer." I felt lightheaded and leaned my head back against the wall, groaning and crying harder.

"Oh, don't worry, they'll be plenty of time for screaming." He hissed. I felt a weight on my chest; the same one as when that man attacked me. "And it won't just be me."

Dad will come. Dad will get me out. He'll save me. I kept repeating in my head. But as his footsteps echoed in this warehouse as he walked away, I couldn't help but lose that hope.

He was going to kill me.

And part of me wanted him to.


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