#Chapter four

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Previous chapter:-

"Anyway, why did you call?"

"Nothing. Hehee~ See you at the office. Bye!" Tay immediately ended the called.


(Chapter 4 : Zoo)

"Weird." Mumbled Off once Tay ended the called. "Just be honest if you want to hear my beautiful voice. Do you miss me that bad, uh?" He talked to his phone before put it inside his pocket. Then, he walked to his car but halted his stepped when he saw the boy who just made his blood boiled a while ago. The boy was looking at the ground, as if he was searching for something.

Off wanted to ignore but when he saw the panicked looked in the boy's face, he doesn't have a heart to turn his back.

So, he walked towards the boy.

"Are you looking for something?"

The boy looked up from the ground to Off's face, then he rolled his eyes. "Why do you care?"

"Hah! I'm trying to be nice but you being an asshole again!"

The boy just ignored Off and continued to set his eyes on the ground, continued his searching.

"You really have no respect to elders!" Commented Off before he left the scene.

"Argh! I shouldn't have talk to him at the first place!"


(The next day)

Tay arrived at the kindergarten to pick his son from his school. As usual, Nanon always talked about his day at the kindergarten to his father along the road until they arrived at their destination. And Tay always listen to him attentively. But right now, his body might be there but his mind was at somewhere else. And Nanon noticed that.

"Daddy, do you hear me?!" Yelled Nanon irritated.

"Uh? What it is, son?"

"Nanon said.., Ohm is annoying me again! He ruin my drawing this time!"



"Daddy will talk to him later, na."

Nanon pouted as the answered was not what he wanted to hear.





"Nanon, do you hear me?"

"Nanon is mad at daddy!"

"Hmm, then.., should we stop by to eat cakes at Sweet Home?"

Nanon's mood immediately lift up as the mention of the cafe. Then, he looked at his father before a smiled appeared in his face. "Mama! Nanon want to see mama!"

"Nanon, don't call him mama. Just call him P'New."

"But he look like mama!"

"We're not going there if you don't promise me not to call him mama but P'New."

Nanon pouted again. "Fine. Nanon promise."

"Good boy. So, should we go now?"

Nanon nodded his head eagerly.

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