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As i finish writing the note i go back into the kitchen to close the back door and to get some breakfast that i will hopefully not nearly burn the house down again

I decide to try and cook some toast i try to find the bread witch i managed to find next to the fruit bowl witch guess what it had in! . .


i grabbed it as quick as i could not wasting any time

Then i go to the pantry to look for some nutella witch i lucky find and i get to work

Step 1: find the toaster
Step 2: unintentionally spend the next 10 minutes looking for the toaster to find it in a cupboard
Step 3 : find a plug and plug it in
Step 4 : put the bread in the toaster and put it down
Step 5 : watch it like a hark so it dosent burn like the cake
Step 6 : take out the toast, burn your fingers welst trying to take it out
step 7 : quickly drop the toast on the side because i forgot to grab a plate
Step 8 : look for a plate that was conveniently placed in the cupboards above my head
Step 9 : place the toast on the plate over lode it with Nutella and FINALLY cut the BANANA PLACE IT ON AND FINISH THIS STUPID LIST!!

I happy grab my plate and jump onto the sofa some how not droping it on the floor and turn of the ps4 (the jet plane its self! Lmao) to look at the channels there are to watch

"Omg cartoon network!! AND amazing world or gumball is on!!
Best morning ever!"

Sorry short chapter!
I havr school tomorrow and its 1am and i wake up at 7am so ima go sleep now

Also done a miku book on my profile!
Its probably gona be a rinxmiku book in the end (i feel so cringe saying that. . .)
But it should end up having a good story (dont take them words literally i probably mean the opposite)

Night everyone!!

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