More Surprises?

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Ross' POV

It's only been 2 nights in London and I am already in better terms with Laura. Way better terms.

I woke up to the cliche, movie type of morning.

Birds were chirping, the sun's rays were shining their way through the window while warming up my bed even more, and Rocky staring at me creepily.

Wait, Rocky?

I stood up from my bed with a gasp and rubbed my eyes.

He's still there.

"What? How am I home already? What if I never left? What if that trip to London was just a dream and I never got that close to Laura? NO THAT TRIP COULDN'T HAVE BEEN A DREAM!" I looked back at Rocky who had a confused, but amused, look on his face.

"DID IT WORK ROCKY?!" I heard Calum yell from the living room.

Wait, what? What's happening?

"YEP! YOU WERE RIGHT! HE TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!" Rocky replied between laughs.

"Wait, what's going on Rocky?" I questioned him, now more confused than ever.

"Shh, this is still your dream. I'm not really here--"

"Oh, leave the boy alone Rocky!" I turned around and looked as Rydel barged into the room and shoved Rocky playfully.

"Ry-DEL! He was totally buying it!" Rocky complained as he stormed out of the room.

"Okay, now will you tell me what's actually going on?" I hoped while turning around to look at my sister.

"Yes! Okay, so since we don't believe you are able to win Laura's heart all by yourself, we became part of the plan Get Laura Back! We are all going to help you win her over again! And chill, we are still in London."

"Wait, we are all? How many people are all?"

"Rocky, Riker, Ellington, AND ME!" Rydel jumped up and down and then pulled me in for a hug, "Ryland couldn't come though." She said while pulling away and making a pouty face.

"So technically I have you, Riker, Rocky, Ellington, Calum, and Raini, all helping me win Laura back?" I scoffed, "please I don't need that much help." I said confidently while making a dismissive wave with my hand.

"Really? Cause without our help, you've managed to disappoint Laura by going out with one of her friends and lost your dignity by attempting to look like me. B-T-Dubs, you looked ridiculous." Rydel said while innocently crossing her arms in front of her.

So Laura did take a picture. Fuck.

"Gee, thanks Rydel! Nothing boosts my confidence like reminding me of my failures!" I mocked sarcastically.

"Well someone had to get you down your cloud of ego." She sassed back

"Ugh fine. Just don't scare her off. I already did that before; now she has a boyfriend."

Rydel smiled and started to walk out of the room, "See? Yet another thing you've done wrong! Now get ready so you can greet everyone!"

I rolled my eyes as she closed the door behind her. Well, that's my sister. Always trying to cheer me up!


When I was done getting ready, I walked out of my room and found everybody sitting around the living room.

"So, Calum said you almost held Laura's hand." Riker pointed out while everyone stared back at me.

"Yeah. Almost." I feel so interrogated right now.

They all looked at me, then at each other, and then back at me.

"HEYYYYYY!!" The boys all said in unison while standing up to pat me in the back.

Even Calum. And he already knew.

"Aww Ross! You did something right!" Rydel gave me a quick sassy smile while still sitting on the couch.

I returned the smile and walked towards the couch to sit next to her.

"NO! Ell sits there." She said while laying her hand besides the empty spot on the couch.

"Okay, geez." I decided to just sit on the floor and wait until the boys were all settled in their spots again.

"So, what's the big plan?" I wondered.

"I am staying over with the girls, and the boys are staying here." Rydel responded with a perky smile.

"This room only has two beds."

"Yeah I know! You guys will work it out! That's all we can really say though. Everything else will be a surprise! We'll let you know before hand so you don't mess up. And if you do, you suck." Rydel got up from the couch and gave Ellington a quick peck on the lips, "I have to go with the girls now! They still don't know I'm staying over!"

Once Rydel was gone, the guys all stared at me with naughty smiles.

I am officially scared, and it must have been noticeable because Ellington dropped the naughty smile and gave me a sympathetic one.

"Dude don't worry. We got you." He assured me.

"Okay, but what about Katya? I have a date with her tonight." I reminded them.

"Pfft. You got yourself into that one, now you get yourself out." Rocky replied while adjusting a piece of hair behind his ear.

The other guys just nodded in agreement. Even Calum.

"CALUM HELPED!" I pointed at Calum while the other boys gasped in disbelief.

"IT WAS ONLY BECAUSE HE LOOKED REALLY SAD AND I LOST FAITH ON THE PLAN PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!" Calum said while closing his eyes and putting his hands over his face.

"Aww. Calum. Don't worry. It was Ross' fault. You were just trying to help." Riker said in a comforting tone.

"WHAAAAAATTT?!? You know what? Fine! Blame it all on me! I was the one that almost held Laura's hand, with no help!" I pointed out while the guys silently clapped.

"And good for you. But Ross, at this pint you need more than just almost. Before we came here we checked on Adam and he was pretty pissed that Laura hadn't texted or called. What if he comes here Ross? You need to be quick, but slow. If that made sense." Riker got up from the couch and sat next to me on the floor, "that's why we are here to help buddy."

Calum, Ellington and Rocky joined Riker and sat next to me on the floor.

"Thanks. You guys are the best." I said while trying to pull them all into a group hug.

It's so nice to have such supportive people around me. With their help, I was sure I'll finally be able to be with Laura.

I was just a little worried. I don't want Adam making Laura feel bad.

If he does, I don't care if I ruin the plan; I will punch Adam right in the gut.

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