Chapter 5: Us

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After a few minutes you leave the storage room. You couldn't get the feeling of the kiss from earlier to leave your mind while you sat in the room and you understood why Killer had left to cool his head.

When you reach the deck and feel the cool breeze on your face, and the smell of salty air you feel a lot of the heat leave you. The sun was still up, and there was something about being in it that left you feeling exposed. It felt a little like everyone on the ship knew exactly what had transpired because the sun had told them about it.

"Hey Brat," Heat pipes up behind you, getting your attention and causing you to nearly leap out of your skin.

"H-h-eat, hi, hello." You let out the excess air you'd sucked in and smile awkwardly. "What's up?"

Heat's looking at you with a crooked smile on his face and confusion in his eyes. "Nothing. You alright? Getting nervous about the job, maybe?"

"Huh? No, yes, I mean, I'm fine." You laugh nervously and consider just leaping off the ship into the open ocean.

His crooked smile turns a bit knowing, and he leans down to tease you. "I see what it is, House has you practicing on live crew members, is that it?"

The very vivid idea of flirting with Killer came into your mind and all the blood rushes back into your face. "N-n-no, nope – ah, not... yet." You cover your face with your hands. Kissing someone for the first time apparently makes you a fool. "Is that gonna be something she does?"

Heat laughs and ruffles your hair. "I don't know, brat, but she might if she thinks you need the practice. If you can keep a straight face flirting with the Captain, you'd be solid no matter what."

"Pfft, haha! I cannot imagine flirting with Kid," Your hands fall away and you're beaming a smile back at Heat. "I can't imagine the Captain actually flirting." You admit, after giving it some thought.

You didn't notice Heat's smile go from knowing to mischievous. "Yeah, Killer would make for more natural practice."

Your eyes and mouth go wide as your brain just short circuits. Not only had you walked right into that, but you were also sure you helped Heat build the trap with a smile on your face.

"Smooth move, short stack." You hear Killer sigh behind you.

"Heat?" You ask, looking down at the deck.

"Yeah, brat?"

"Toss me into the sea."

"You'll have to come back onboard sooner or later." Heat reminds you with a laugh.

"Tease her later, Heat," Killer says, his fingers slipping over yours as he tugs you to the stern of the ship with him. "Let's talk."

"Ohhh." You hear Heat mumble as Killer leads you away.

Killer prompts you to sit on the crate you had before, and then leans against the rail nearby. You have no idea what to say, and Killer is keeping his gaze out into the sea. After a moment, you look out into the water as well, and realize it's really calming to watch the steady shift of the ocean break against Victoria's hull.

"Only me, huh?" Killer prompts after you've lost your thoughts into the shifting waters. You flinch, more at the sudden sound, soft as it was, than the words themselves.

Your face is hot, and you steal a glance over at him before looking out to the horizon. "Only you," you admit. "I really thought about it too. I thought about Kid and Heat and Wire. I thought about House and Hip 'n' Hop, and Reck. I really thought about the whole crew, and even people I'd left behind." You sink against the rail a little, "I even thought about Nezumi."

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