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At dining hall...

Mom give me this curry see I am feeling very hungry...

Tina whining at kalpana who was serving all the foods carefully one by one on the dining table....

Okay okay tina beta sit properly then eat all of this foods.

And your tiffin box also I give you in your bag so check it out before going out for college..

Kalpana told to tina with a smile..

And tina just hold her whole concentration on her food which make kalpana little irritated.. so she was going to scold her for her this indiscipline behaviour.... but her word stop when she saw her son and her daughter in law coming at the dinning hall with a hand by hand of eacheother also smiling and blushing...

which make kalpana more happy..

So now you guys have the time to came here and eat your breakfast huh??

Kalpana asked viraj with fake strict voice..

But before he answer her tulsi start to speak.

Ma, actually viraj ji don't have any fault here a....

Tulsi was try to defend viraj but get cut off by viraj's voice..

Umm mother actually I have a very important announcement for you guys .

but specially for tulsi....

The last line he said while starightly look at in her surprised eyes....

What surprises viraj and why it's so important did you by chance get your teaching job postponed in other city..

Kalpana curiously ask her son who was just smiling after seeing his mother curiosity..

You get to know all mother, just little paitence.

Oh by the can we sit on our chair..

Viraj playing way ask his mother.

Stop it viraj quickly sit on your chair and start eat your breakfast .

But tulsi beta what happens today why are you smiling so much??

Kalpana is very happy to see their pure growing bonding.

but specially she is very happy for her daughter innocent tulsi..

who 's smile not stoping from her face. This the thing she always want after marring her with viraj..

but dont expect that tulsi also get a happiness in her life so quickly like other girls after her marrige..

so for this she is feeling very satisfied from her inside also feeling proud on her son.

Who taking care very well way of tulsi which also not hide from kalpana's eyes also..

At the end of the day kalpana is very happy for her son and daughter.. and while looking at them kalpana just pray in her heart that both viraj and tulsi enjoy their holy marrige life like this way...

Kalpana's thought got disturbe by tina's words.

By the way brother what actually announcement you want share with us??

Tina licking her finger while asking this question to her brother..

So finally after taking a long breath viraj utter most important also romantic decision in his and tulsi's life right now..

Umm actually it's really important for me and tulsi.

So the announcement is that I want to go to honeymoon for 1 month....

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